Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ivory tower

Love to have a little priviledged spot like this to find a moment of peace in my day. The end of Summer and the start of Autumn always feels like one is shifting gears into a higher speed. How nice would it be to just lock a few minutes of the day for a private time to pamper and ponder. How do you find time in your day for a little "me" time?


Unknown said...

I can find it at times like this....the boys are fed, I'm at my desk and I can see them playing outside my window. We're in a neighborhood with sooooo many little boys. It's like an eternal playdate for them! And quiet for me! :)

Dovecote Decor said...

I sit under a sign named Saunders!

The Buzz Blog said...

My early morning hours are my quietest - the boys are still in bed and the dogs have been let out. Coffee on the swing in the garden is a great way to start the day!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I'm normally up by 5AM to start my day, and then again around 11PM until I fall asleep. Since, I don't have small children I have plenty of time to pamper and ponder. It's just a matter of stopping to do it.

kayce hughes said...

I need to be better about that but even a few minutes on our screened porch feels like a mini vacation. Something about the fresh air and trees.

Ivy Lane said...

I visit all you fabulous bloginista's and get inspired in my "me time"!!!! (( hugs ))!

Hello Lover... said...

This kind of looks like heaven!

Visual Vamp said...

Me time is when I am blogging or writing.
I catch it when I can, early morning or late at night.
Love the ivory tower.
xo xo

Stitchfork said...

Hmmm - still searching for my 'me' time!

Teresa said...

That's a SPOT...suited for a QUEEN!

Southern Lady said...

I try to start the day with my coffee in the sunroom or on the front porch for my "me" time. Carla

Michelle said...

I love little seating spots like this...

Jo said...

My favorite time of the day is when I can sneak up to our bedroom where I have a quiet little nook with a comfy chair just for me to read, jot a quiet note to a friend or peruse a new magazine.


Aspiring Kennedy said...

i typically can carve out a little bit for myself... the afternoons are nice right now. however this week- not a second alone. i'm exhausted!!! i want to slouch in the chair in this picture with a big cozy blanket!!

ACH said...

"Me time" is when I blog (like so many of the rest of us!) and when I do yoga. Sometimes I take a detour on my way home to stop at an antique store or fabric shop, just to look at all the pretty things; that's me time, too!