Friday, August 13, 2010

fresh coat fridays

My neighbors flew to California and asked me to keep an eye on their home for them. Like any good neighbor, I did just that. They do call me "Gladys" on the street. (as in Gladys from Be-witched)

They have three little ones and moved in four years ago. Little by little they have been making their home a nest and making great changes. When they moved in, they had two children. All are under the age of 6 now, so you can imagine how the house rocks and rolls.

They have been wanting to add a fresh coat of paint to the walls, but with three little one's - life is rather busy. So while the cat's were away, this mouse wanted to play and paint a fresh coat of paint to the dining room. I had the help of my painter - paint the dining room. The small swatch of color had been taped to the wall for months so it was easy, buy the paint, and my painter gave me a deal since he just completed a huge job for a client of mine.

I thought, my neighbors would a. hate me, or b. love me. How thrilled was I to know that when they came home to the fresh coat of paint, they were inspired to paint the front foyer, the living room, and the powder room. As you know, my mission is to design, create and inspire an artful life.

When was the last time you inspired someone to add a freshness to their life? Do you have a story you would like to share. Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. It is after all contagious to inspire others to freshen up, especially on a friday.

Add a fresh coat to your friday! My inspiration came from here.
Live in the fun lane of life!


Erika Ward said...

Wow, talk about a good neighbor! You have such a unselfish and caring heart. I know just how your neighbor felt when they walked into the door...Overwhelmingly grateful. We have 3 kids under 4 so you can imagine it takes an act of Congress to get anything done around here.

My story: In my own despair, I put myself aside and counseled one of my best friends for months. Years later she now credits me with the joy she has in her heart for herself and her family. I know it really wasn't me, but God working through me. I love to be used as a vessel for His good works! Have a great weekend and be blessed!

pve design said...

Thank-you dear for your kind words. Oh how I love the powers that be when they take over and add love to our life! Love the idea of being used as a vessel or some sort of snappy container for good deeds.
My Dad has always told me, do one thing nice every day, not just on Christmas.

Unknown said...

Patricia - I love that you helped give you neighbors a fresh look!!!! I don't have a specific story that comes to mind about my inspiring someone else....I only hope that I am doing that in little ways each day through the blog and in my daily life.

Heading into the city today with my mom --- had some interesting meetings this week. Life is definitely in the fun lane!
xo Elizabeth

Suburban Princess said...

I would be happy to go away on vacation if you wanted to get my house projects done lol! You are a good neighbour and friend! They are fortunate to have someone as thoughtful as you!

David Toms said...

Now lets see, i am going away next week and my hallway needs painting! You are wonderful!

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

How generous and Samantha of you! You pulled off magic-I can only imagine the joy of having that done and done. I would love to paint my library-LR, a sample taped for about 4 years remains on the wall- However Now considering something different.

I have often driven around my town and wished for a whitewash day-where it all gets that fresh coat of paint. pgt

The Buzz Blog said...

Do you do exteriors as well? I love that you saw a person in need and stepped up - so many of us get caught up in all the little things in ours lives that we barely notice others. What a wonderful neighbor you are!

Visual Vamp said...

I love you!
And I have a room in New Orleans with a paint swatch on it.
Let us know what their reaction is!
xo xo
PS Shh...I am a secret Santa all year long...

Ms. Bright said...

That's it. I'm convinced you are the best neighbor in all the land. What a lovely thing to do!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

So wonderful that you helped that way. Like Pretty Pink I don't have a specific story to share. I just hope that when I am speaking or dealing with friends or family that I am in some small way, offering a little bit of me daily. Have a fabulous weekend.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Love this, "Gladys"! This was my grandmother's name :)

What a wonderful gesture, they will be absolutely touched I am sure. As for any stories I have? Well, every week I get a comment or email telling me how something I've done or mentioned in my blog has inspired the person to do this or that and how they are thrilled. It is really an amazing thing, to be able to "give". It doesn't seem like it was too long ago, when circumstances were much different for me, that I was more of a "taker" than a "giver" and was very fortunate that I encountered a few people who lent me a hand. Because of this, it is very important to me to be more of a giver than taker at this point in my life, and I am extremely thankful!

home before dark said...

Too bad you couldn't just wriggle your nose and make this lovely magic happen! I have pruned shrubs and watered gardens, but never painted a neighbor's room. You have a generous heart...everyday.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow you are truly the most thoughtful person I know.

JMW said...

Wow, if I had a house sitter like you, I'd never let you go! How kind of you to do that for them! I wish I could recount a story where I brought a fresh perspective into somebody's life, but nothing comes to mind. I hope that I do a little of this everyday to people whom I come in contact.

Karena said...

Patricia you are a great friend!!
I have had friends inspire and help me rearranging furniture.My daughter and her boyfriend came over to do some painting!!

My turn to give back!

Come and enter my Latest Giveaway!!

Art by Karena

Stitchfork said...

You accomplished your mission with this act of kindness!

Gretchen O. said...

You really ARE amazing. I am sure that the chaos of a busy household felt a bit calmer knowing that a looming project was checked off the list.

My story: my best friend had recently gotten divorced and had just bought her first house. she wanted to paint but was overwhelmed...I had just had my first baby and was feeling homebound and needed a my husband, baby Eliza, and I painted her kitchen for her when she was away. It was such a great feeling to do something that she didn't expect.

Thanks for helping conjure the memory of first big project with my newborn...she is now 5. I think it might be time to do a "secret" project for someone.

Hamptontoes said...

You are a gem! What an amazing neighbor you are. If the world was full of Patricia's it would be so much better! Have a great weekend.

LaurenFaythe said...

You are an awesome neighbor! I would love to have you living near me. You're an inspiration-not just because you had that work done, but because you really thought of them and you used your gifts to help them out.

Melissa Blake said...

Awww, how awesome!! What an inspiration!!

pve design said...

To each of you - Thanks for your nice comments, now only if I could twinkle my nose and sprinkle some goodness, but I sincerely hope that each of you visit my blog for that.
Excuse me while I do some of my own freshening up and a load or 2 of laundry!

Moments and Impressions said...

When we moved into our 500 sq ft apt. and downsized... then had our daughter in said apartment and re-prioritized (good by treadmill and nightstands - hello crib) - people thought we were crazy to just keep getting rid of things...

My daughter inspired me and taught me what you really need is not things - it is room to live and breath.

Unknown said...

That is so awesome!! This is what design is about, to inspire and create!


Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Can I be your neighbor? How awesome is that. Doesn't it feel good to pass on good design:) I truly believe that you have to be surrounded by beauty. Even though we move every 18 mos to 3 years (military) I make sure that our home is freshly painted from ceiling to shoe molding, that is my gift to my family. I especially want my kids room to be special!

Susan McClaskey said...

Can I come and live next door to you???

StarletStarlet said...

you INSPIRE me!

Would love to see the pictures too if your neighbor doesn't mind sharing~

phillips phamily said...

You are so lovely! Won't you be my neighbor? :) We're about to have three under the age of five, so I would have LOVED you!

Unknown said...

Now singalong to Mister Rogers'
"It's a great day in the neighborhood...won't you be my

Well done, Ms. PVE!

Mrs. Blandings said...

YOU are an amazing, amazing friend. That is an incredibly generous and thoughtful gift. I'm speechless.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

That's such a fantastic story! Will you be my neighbor too?

North of 25A said...

What a delightful story! You have created a REALality of kindness. Hope you have a great weekend.

Millie said...

I adore that you are channeling Gladys Patricia, I always thought we never really saw the best of her! I need to take a leaf from your book of kindness - thank you for the gentle nudge.
Millie ^_^

TSL said...

youare a beautiful and good soul

Purple Flowers said...

You have a flair for harboring friendship. I like what you did for your neighbors! You did for them, what they could not do for themselves at this time. Lovely.

pve design said...

I would love to leave a comment back to you - thank-you for making me feel good about doing something nice for a neighbor. Let us each focus on doing good for one another.

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

That is one of the most creative and generous things that I have heard of. My story would be that many of my friends, feel that I should be a life coach. I love to listen and encourage. It comes pretty natural so I don't feel like I have really done anything. You really took the bull by the horns and gave of your time unselfishly. Good for you!

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

Patricia, What a creative and thoughtful thing you did for your neighbors. My story would be that I spend lots of time listening and encouraging my friends. They say I should be a life coach. It comes easy for me and I enjoy it so it doesn't really seem like I am contributing anything. You on the other hand took the bull by the horns and gave of yourself unselfishly. Good for you!!

traci zeller designs said...

What an amazing neighbor you are ... and such a blessing in everyone's life!!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

My husband would like you to move next door to us! please! We have paint tapped to the wall as well:)

Renae Moore said...

I would love to have seen the look on your neighbor's faces when they say what 'Gladys' had done for them! Well done Patricia...a lovely gesture of kindness and love.

small forest said...

This is so nice to come across, the fact that someone else does stuff that I do. I feel a bit more normal, now.

My stories are 1. I once built my friends an island bench in two days after discovering she was balancing her kitchen sink on two bar stools and had backed up a cupboard to hide the plumbing and stabilise it. They had been in limbo with their kitchen for two years. I couldnt really go wrong. It couldnt get any worse, could it?
And 2. a close friend had been trying to get her house on the market for ages so I got on a plane and revamped her whole house with new cushion covers throughout and vintage 'found' paintings on a tight budget, (under $100.00). Moved some furniture around to stage things. We also painted a couple of rooms white, but she already had the paint.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


What comes around goes around. Great examples are like wildfire and spread the goodness. Thanks for sharing.


simply seleta said...

It is confirmed, you ARE an angel!!! Or a fairy {style} godmother? I've had my suspicions for a few years now. What a lovely and caring thing to do for a busy young family...I'm sure mom and dad stay tired. When they saw your work of art they were probably in tears from joy.
