
Monday, July 12, 2010

hot and sunny

High temperatures can sure present a challenge to one to look "hot and sunny" while remaining cool, calm and collected. I was sharing my fashion portfolio with my daughter and she loved this illustration. She said, "Oh - Mommy, I love the coordinating shoes!"

So, tell me, how do you remain cool and calm during the high heat of July. We loved watching the world cup and seeing all the spectators wearing jackets and scarves.

Hop over to Laura Casey, how could I refuse a pve giveaway - to someone so calm, so cool and so sunny! Take a look at Laura's Interior Design work on her site while you are there!


  1. I am telling you, you could create your own coloring book that girls would adore! Tres chic!!

  2. We joined the town pool. It's sparkling water lures one into it-so refreshing.
    Love the illustrations!

  3. Weeknds are spent wearing a swimsuit and a hat to keep cool and relaxed. Weekdays I'm usually found wearing a sundress of some sort...short, long, strapless or not...anything that is loose fitting provides for coolness!

  4. Lots of water for me and staying out of the sun is a must.

  5. LOVE your fashion illustrations and alwasy look forward to them!!

  6. Lots of fun dresses and a essentials for the summer heat! Hope your weekend was wonderful! :)

  7. Your fashion illustrations are amazing! We are going to re-new our pool passes today! Otherwise... walks in the park under canopy of trees is always a nice way to cool off! I posted that the other day... come and visit!

    happy monday! hope your week gets off to a great start!

  8. Find a shady place under a tree, preferably under a rocking chair, I swear by a hat, and reading materials! Distraction, swimming and sleep, the best way to cool off during those hot summer days!

  9. Oh, I love this! It has been very hot here in Boston. We've done a lot of nothing to keep cool...

  10. Ooo, I would like one of those dresses, please! I try to cool down with a tall glass of lemonade or water. Or, a nice jump in the pool when we get a chance to go.

  11. Shade, shade, shade. I seek it out wherever I go. And, of course, dresses. Can't say I look chic though...just wilted from the heat & humidity! Love your illustrations, by the way.

  12. Love this illustration....reminds me of Ms. Cashon, the original designer of Coach!

    I can take a little heat...but then it's time to cool off with a popsicle!

    xo Elizabeth

  13. PVE,

    Love the illustrations it reminds me of my fashion design classes for pattern drafting. Sewing days of pattern selections and inspiration boards for themes on fashion design. All great thoughts that became things.

    The beach to stay cool. With modern technology you can work up the coast, down in the valley, front porch, back yard, by the pool, air condition coffee shop anywhere!

    Stay hydrated and think cool thoughts and dipping your toes in a Childs pool has it's magical effects as well.

    Happy week ahead!


  14. In Texas- we opt for patios and margaritas :)

    And I talk a big talk- but I don't need to be sold on having my own babies. I actually can't wait! Just hoping to pace myself and enjoy each stage. I know once they get here, I will be 100% in love.

  15. These colors remind me of luscious popsicles on a hot summer's day!

  16. Here designs are new to me - but I love them!

  17. The colors of the dresses which are adorable look as cool as popsicles!

  18. Great inspiration-
    The shoes do look fantastic- she's got a good eye just like her mom!

  19. Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog.....
    your illustrations are amazing, I'm a huge fan!!!

    Have a beautiful day....

  20. Wow, fantastic fashion illustration!

    Staying cool...lots of iced beverages and maybe treat myself to a movie in a nice cold theater.
