I think these yellow doors would immediately tell my visitors to think happy.
A pop of sunny yellow seems so chic and stylish too.
There is something so fresh and happy about a coat of yellow.
Ya think a bright door would add a happy smile to your day?
images - top, abby sharp via punch of color
yellow door (decor addict)
Happy is as happy does....who wouldn't be happy upon seeing these glorious doors!?!
Hoping you have a wonderful day,
Did I tell you I always wanted a name like yours, or Penelope....such happy names.
Enjoy your weekend with gifts of serendipity!
Bright pops of color make me smile... that is why I gave away all my earth toned dish ware and started collecting bright vintage pieces. Happy plates!
I think a door would have the same effect - a refreshing smile to great you when you get home. Hope you have a weekend full of smiles.
Yellow doors as such a joyful thing! Perhaps I need to consider painting mine...
I love those interior sunny doors! I saw a door this week you would love~ it was PvE green with a big brass knocker-I instantly thought of you! Hope you weekend is jam-packed with sunshine!
I love yellow! Such a cheerful and interesting color.
I have a crush on yellow! So happy! It would look good on your modern house!
Our kitchen is yellow, and I love walking into it first thing in the morning. The walls are so happy!
It would be like walking into sunshine....which we need desperately right now! I think I'll go buy some yellow paint pronto! xo J~
love those yellow doors. modern and fun. hmmmm...
These are so perfect! Great choice for your entry...so cool and chic!!!
yellow to me says happy and cheery!
Those yellow doors do say welcome,
indeed chic and stylish -- yet classic.
Love these happy doors..maybe I should paint my laundry room door yellow...
Love the cheeriness of this post. Pure sunshine. I love those yellow doors! So happy, fun & funky!
Yes, I want those yellow doors!
Those yellow doors rock!
Yellow is one of my leasy fv colors but, those lacquered doors are TDF...XXOO
The yellow doors are beautiful! Thank you for adding a little sunshine to the day. Cheers!
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