Tuesday, June 15, 2010

porch swing

There is nothing quite like a porch swing during the summer months. The above illustration was done for a lucky lady who won this illustration as a "custom give-away" - via Cote de Texas.
Out of three hundred plus comments, she was the winner. How fun to imagine myself in the swing on a sultry summer evening with a cool glass of freshly brewed ice tea.

One is never too old for a "swing set." Take time to go to the park, swing away or if you have a swing on your front porch, why not go out and swing a spell.

(Update, June 17, 20210. )Here is what the owner e-mailed to me - nothing quite like positive feedback!
It is just amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The detail! Thank you so much. I somehow feel that "thank you" doesn't really express how grateful I am for this gift. You captured every little detail. You made the house look even better than it really is.


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Gorgeous illustration! This sums up summer in every perfect way!

pve design said...

I also love a good Hammock....

Felicity said...

Thank you for yet another evocative image. I'm with Mel it really captures summer.
The swing on the porch is not so common in Australia but the hammock on the verandah you'll see a lot.
We have three hammocks [2 x Queen size] for the 'grown up' kids and 1 sitting hammock for the 'genuine article' kids.
"These are a few of my favourite things!" [chanelling Julie Andrews in 'TSoM'].
x F

The Shiny Pebble said...

swings or hammocks, we all need to learn to enjoy our summer time outside more.

Catherine said...

Awww, I can just feel my feet dangling over the porch floors...

Feels good.


Purple Flowers said...

Ice tea or lemonade, it's all good!
Love your illustration.

Elizabeth said...

what a charming little house! you illustrated it beautifully!

Averill said...

Love a front porch -- we built our current house with one but, unfortunately, haven't gotten around to a porch swing just yet (soon, soon)!

Beautiful illustration, by the way.

Renae Moore said...

I love your rendering of the whole house! Great detail and yes, a porch swing would be loads of fun!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

She'll cherish this portrait for years! Lovely.

Kelley said...

You are so good with watercolors. This house looks very idyllic.

Someone recently asked if I did drawings of houses; I referred her to your site. :)

red ticking said...

lovely as always... and i do have a porch swing in my backyard... the good old fashioned one...

i really want a banner... saving my pennies... i adore your work...such an amazing talent... xo pam

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous work pve! Love hanging on a front porch sipping tea swinging even better.

Unknown said...

I adore swings - the motion is so calming, which is why I (not always children) can be found on my tree swing on a warm summer night!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

My grandmother had one of these one her back porch...LOVED swinging in it one a warm summer evening. Heaven really...Janell

Holly said...

Another fabulous home, made even more amazing by your impeccable artistry -- you are just crazy good PvE!

deliciously organized said...

I dream of having a porch someday with a place to sip ice tea and lemonade. Lovely illustration.

Maman de trois petit rois said...

The swing, the urn, I can hear Cole Porter in the background!

Anonymous said...

Sittin on a porch in Texas are some of my fondest memories. Sipping on Texas tea in the hot summer goes right along with that. Truly a cute painting pve. Love it.

Barbara von Enger said...

What a lovely illustration, too!
Ah, a delicious delight of mine - to be in the hammock with a good book, or to rest in the swing when the sun is low and golden;-)

René said...

Here's to the lucky winner and charming cottage...and a special nod to the talented artist. Just perfect. BTW, I received something wonderful in the mail today. You are the best.

ArchitectDesign™ said...

i dream of a porch swing on a front porch someday. with a ceiling fan and blue painted bead-board ceiling, please. Charming illustration as always! xo

Mary Ann said...

love your blog for its uniqueness and the rarity of talent you possess. glad to be your new follower. verbena cottage

cotedetexas said...

This is so beautiful! She is really thrilled with it. As usual, you outdid yourself. Thank you again so much for your never ending generousity.


Beth Dotolo said...

So lovely!! Your work is amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and saying Hello...

LindsB said...

What a lucky winner- that is something to cherish always!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

I'm in search of a cushion for my wicker glider that is on my porch. Not quite swinging just swaying.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Hello Lover... said...

What a lovely looking home!

sandy said...

What a great job on that drawing, wow!

Cynthia said...

Just simply beautiful!You are so talented!
