
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


pve design illustration - gifted to an inspiring blogger and decor aficianado and lover of all things with a french flair.
One of the best things about blogging is getting to know someone that you have never met. Spending countless hours reading blog posts and sending e-mails back and forth in the wee hours, one cannot help but feeling the connection to a coterie of blog friends. I could just dedicate a blog (or an illustration) to each one of you.

You probably know which blogger this house brings to mind? Certain things remind me of each of you. Yep, I had to send this image to Cote de Texas and of course, Joni commented on the drop dead gorgeous Wisteria. When I drive by a home like this, I feel compelled to send it to her and say, "If you lived here, I know you would be a stalker." Am I right, or what?

My little girl took this photo. Can I tell you how much I adore the composition, the tree, the fence and the canopy of leaves. I think it would make a wonderful illustration. (hint to me) Add that to the pile!

Joni, I really want to thank-you for inspiring me, with your posts that last for "more than just one" cup of coffee and for cajolling me to the world of blogging. Hop on over to "cote de Texas" as I just had to thank Joni with hosting a give-away of a pve design work of art. Leave a comment there to enter the give-away. (you have til Saturday) Blogging has given me a coterie of wonderful friends and advisors. Merci Joni.


  1. Patricia, You beautiful blog is a constant source of enjoyment and inspiration for me! I love this post, and also the link to Cote de Texas. Thank you for all that you do!

  2. Your daughter certainly has an eye for photography Patricia! I just left a comment on CDT and have my fingers (and toes) crossed that I will win and will finally have a piece of your gorgeous work!

  3. I agree with Nancy - your blog is very inspiring!

  4. You always introduce us to these homes of grandeur~ just lovely over at Cote de Texas. I'm dreaming of winning a giveaway...

  5. You two are the best! Love this house too and those french windows and wisteria -right up Joni's alley!

  6. Patricia,
    I learned a new word coterie. Thanks. You're right about being up in the wee hours of the night. I'm going to pay a visit to Cote de Texas

  7. Aw, this is such a sweet post- you really are the kindest, sweetest blogger I've never met but hope to one day.

    Add Joni to that list too :)

  8. Joni is certainly a Joy, I have had all the ups and downs of blogging with Joni and found her to be gracious, bodacious, outrageous,all in all a true blogging Goddess! pgt

  9. What a pretty picture and a great house. I love joni too. I love the summery feel on your site these days! )

  10. Patricia - you are amazing - so generous! I love Joni's blog and the skirted round table too. I was thrilled to hear about the give away - what fun. Happy summer - my three are out of school today.

    I might even sleep in tomorrow and not read my blogs until after 7:30am. :)

  11. This house is so beautiful and I'm so happy to call you my friend!

    And, I do believe, your daughter will follow in your footsteps!

  12. I would truly adore having the opportunity to live in a home like that. It's a dream of mine for a long time. Thanks for sharing the photos and giving me a chance to daydream.

  13. Yes ma'am, I'm up at the wee hours of the morning. Well, 2:30 a.m. is late for me at my age! What a beautiful home..I agree!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Yes, Queen Joni is a true wonder. I'm sure she's got some Aussie in her genes with that wonderful self-depracating sense of humour that keeps us all on our toes! And of course, Blogland would be all the poorer without the beautiful & gracious world of pve.
    Millie ^_^

  16. Joni is a blogging legend as are you. Thank you for continually sharing your talent with us all!

  17. Yes, I thought of Joni immediately! I love her blog (stalking included) and of course, I adore yours!!

  18. Patricia,
    Your daughter has an eye like you, her photograph is beautiful! Just came back from Joni's...I will be crossing my fingers!
    Thank you and have a fabulous weekend!

  19. I thought about you just the other day as I passed the amazing illustration (now framed and hanging in my entry hall) that you gave our family. You are a joy and a gift!

  20. What a beautiful illustration and I can just get lost over a Joni's blog.

  21. Patricia, I adore this post. You are such a sweet blogger and you always make my day with your kind words. She is going to adore that illustration. It's beautiful.

  22. You are both so creative! Thank you for sharing your talents with everyone!

  23. Love the compositon of your daughter's photo too! It's fun when you find you share similar interests.

  24. Simply wonderful post! I follow you in your reverie for the inspiration other bloggers give us!
    Joni, oh yes, she is special and then some....Lovely illustration, I am in awe! So pretty!
    Great picture, little daughter!


  25. Patricia, I did and mentioned how you have been so supportive from the very start!!

    Thank you for all of your inspiration!

    Art by Karena

  26. I am heading over there absolutely right this minute!!!!

  27. I thought of Joni and her blog as soon as I saw that first image (before i even realized the title of the post)!

    I adore her blog - her posts are amazing, always lots of images and lots to read!

  28. i saw the post about pve on joni's blog last night - fun - terrific illustration too - love the big green hedges
