
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday shelf - chopping Spring onions

spring onions from "cookthink"

pve design - illustration for a cook
Several years ago my dear husband gave me the most wonderful gift, this chopping bowl and blade from here.
In mere minutes onions, garlic and spring scallions are chopped and ready to saute. Did you know that onions are one of the oldest vegetables? Many cultures believe onions have medicinal properties, antioxidants and remedy for a common cold or soar throat, some even believe they are an aphrodisiac!

Simply chop spring onions, saute or add to a salad and taste the freshness! Remember before chopping, wash the onions in cold water, light a candle nearby or wear ski goggles to avoid the tears when chopping! A mint or fresh parsley can remedy onion breath!

Enjoy your Spring Sunday!


  1. I love the ski goggle solution.

    As I've said before, your blog is a treasure in every way, truly a rare bijou out in the blogosphere. (I'm never sure if it's the blog -i-sphere or the blog-o-sphere. . .)

    Hope it is as beautiful in your part of the world as it is here.

  2. Spring onions...yum! Aphrodisiac? Provided it is followed by mints and parsley I guess!? :)

  3. you have inspired me to write a post on this... give me half an hour. :)

  4. I like the idea of ski goggles, but actually scallions don't make my eyes water. And I love the scent of them. Yummy! Time to go make a Sunday salad. :)

  5. I really love your drawings..
    Onions, not so much.

  6. Adorable sketch!

    My kitchen is never without onions and garlic. The goggle idea is brilliant!

    Happy Sunday~

  7. The goggles credit, goes to my dear husband, who was caught wearing them, whilst chopping onions! I must find the photo, as it has been a good 20 years since that humorous moment which we still laugh about.
    Laughter goes a long way.

  8. The washing in cold water trick totally works! Takes the tears right out of the cutting process :)

    Never have tried the ski goggles though. Would definitely make for an interesting sight ;)

  9. Can't wait for fresh green onions here in the deep south! Thanks for reminding - T-

  10. I love spring onions.. In fact, my parents always remind me that when I was a child, I would eat fresh onions, dipped in red wine vinegar dressing.. Mmmm..

    I haven't made it over here in a while, I ahve missed you.. I have some catching up to do..:-)

  11. That gift from your husband reminded me of the scene in Julie and Julia where Julia's husband gives her that mortar and pestle. Very sweet!

  12. We just removed the last of our spring onion summer crop this weekend from our very sad and overgrown veggie garden. I'm already planning my spring planting - just have to get through winter first! Leigh

  13. My mother-in-law wears swimming goggles and it always gives us a giggle! I love sweet green onions-- especially from the garden--they add enough flavor to make a dish interesting without hogging the show! Food for thought:)!

  14. Never thought of lighting a candle. Clever, clever...I have done the whole awkward slice of bread in the mouth though...XXOO

  15. I love the smell of chopped onions! Yesterday I had spring garlic soup for lunch...divine! I must figure out how to make it...though I suspect it will take a lot of chopping.
