Wednesday, April 14, 2010

cottage and vine

Just the other day, I spotted this wonderful cottage and vine and immediately knew that I had to illustrate it. How marvelous is that old oak tree. The owner told me it is 100 years old and soars upwards of fifty feet tall. Can you imagine how many games of hide-n-seek must be played there? The vine looks as if it has been draped over the doorway like an awning to welcome visitors. Do cottages like this draw you in like they do me?


Carly A. Heitlinger said...

I love the tree!

Anonymous said...

Yes, little tucked away cottages are the best especially if they are near the beach. :) Very nice painting too.

Joyce said...

100 year old tree- I love it! The cottage is adorable. xo

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I can hear the birds singing.

North of 25A said...

I would love to stay there - I can imagine how wonderful it is on the inside too. Lovely illustration (as always).

Janet said...

Oh, how can you resist? You can just imagine its occupants all tucked up inside!

Sanity Fair said...

I think it's charming! And I second on the tree - I love lage trees, particularly oaks. An American classic!

style chronicle said...

There is something so enchanting about a vine growing over an arbor. The tree and cottage are charming.

René said...

Thanks for your inspiration pve! You were wise to stick with what you loved from a young age. You wear it well.

Warmest wishes,

Low Tide High Style said...

Beautiful artwork, and yes Rene's cottage has always drawn me in and left me wanting to see more!

Kat :)

Unknown said...

I want to spend a weekend there! Wow what a gorgeous home. Great sketch

Hamptontoes said...

I always think cottages look so charming from the outside and I always imagine what they look like on the inside.

Mary Lou said...

The cottage didn't draw me in as much as your drawing of it did!
I love your work.

Megan Coyle said...

That tree is mighty marvelous :)

kp said...

Beautiful!!! Your work is always so amazing. :)

red ticking said...

i love all of these darlings... and esp when you illustrate them! xx

Purple Flowers said...

I love cottages, or the potential to be a cottage. They draw me in. That tree is wonderful. I can imagine many a happy children becoming friendly with it, as they play their outdoor games.

Formerly known as Frau said...

yes they do...I love old cape cod houses. Gorgeous drawing. Stop by my blog today if you can. Sorry I'm behind the ball. Finally posted on my winning the giveaway from Maureen's blog. Have a wonderful Thursday.

Debra said...

Well, you know how smitten I am with small 'cottages'. Add to the mix a vine or two...
What a sweet illustration. And that is a great blog!

JMW said...

I love homes like that. So story-book! Great illustration.

Millie said...

I can see why this little gem stopped you in your tracks Patricia. It has so much character & is a delight on the eye. Your illustration of it is one of my very favourite pve treats!
Millie ^_^

Maman de trois petit rois said...

There are so many old cottages at the beach that draw me in. It's actually been a bright spot in this terrible recession that people have stopped tearing them down and the families are now just updating the old beauties.

Destination Seaborn said...

I'm coming over from Cottage and vine. Your artwork is lovely. I'll definately be back! Lisa