
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

corner to corner

Original pve design framed artwork, sold, pardon my "wonky" photography skills.

pve design - illustration
corner image from my design file of "things I love" - love the paper, that little sofa, and the corner table.

Sometimes we all need to grant our selves permission to leave our corner, and to go to another corner. Last night I ventured out to "Plates" located in Larchmont, NY -to meet Kristin van Ogtrop, Author of "Just Let Me Lie Down" as well as Editor of Real Simple Magazine. I am a bad judge of how many were in attendance, but let's say it was just the right amount given the spot which was charming as well as a place I would love to go back to for a night out.

When it came time for me to have my very own book signed, Kristin was so personable and funny. She asked where I had come from, and I truly did feel as if I had come from a distant corner, mind you a mere 9 miles away, just on the other side of Westchester County.

Meeting other women who Kristin coins as "half-insane" all out to give support, friendship and guidance as well as provide material for her humorous book. The insanity comes from balancing work, life, love, and Mothering. The women I met agreed that we were not half-insane but totally insane and loving our corners, not wanting to change a thing.

After the event, I was able to visit a dear friend, a Mom of twins just down the street, who has twin boys. The 5 year old boys had waited up for me (staying up a wee past the regimented bed-time hour) greeting me with bowls of popcorn and the family dog decided to come to sit beside me and suddenly I felt I was back in my corner.

So, tell me, is your corner half-insane or totally insane? Kristin, if you are reading, just for the record, I am about half-way into your book and laughing in my corner. I can relate to your corner of the world.


  1. Well it sounds like you had a great night from beginning to end. I'd like to sit in your corner any day. My corner will be interesting today~ my DH is home, we have Jack for the day, and I have some work at the drawing board. We'll have a busy little corner today...but fun!

  2. Debra,
    Now that does sound like a busy corner, but albeit a fun corner.

  3. Sometimes I need to go sit in the corner & give myself a time out! I think I would like a corner with that little couch and oh that wall paper! Nice! My life is so full and busy because I am fortunate to have my extended family all around me, and so many things I am interested in... all the things that you mentioned too - kids, (not just my own), books, dogs, a comfortable home, a creative life. I think a special corner invites us to sit down and reflect for a little while, so important when you are trying to balance it all.

  4. I'd like to be sitting in that corner with you. Only half-insane, I'd say. There are, here and there, a few lucid moments.

  5. Mine is 3/4 insane. Nice to visit a new corner every once in a while.

  6. Pam,
    Enjoy your corner, and time to reflect.
    Thanks for your kind comment.

    Mrs. Blandings-
    You and Kristen could be sisters.
    Both gorgeous and witty and wise at editing.

    I love thinking of insanity in portions. Today my morning was 5/8 insane. See you later~

  7. I like how you jump from one corner to the next all in one night ending it with a bowl of popcorn and happy faces. I bet after a busy night it was comfy to be in the four corners of your bed. xo

  8. I am not too proud to say, "My corner is almost insane!" - Tina
    (but I'm working on it!)

  9. Today my corner was so nice and enjoyable a nice walk out in the country with my sister and nephew and Sophie. Sunshine on our faces and peace.

  10. What a fantastic night--I can just imagine how inspirational and exciting it was. I think my little corner is half-insane. I fully acknowledge that once this little one is born it will become a fully insane little corner!

  11. I love the wallpaper in the second picture...... life does it way tooo full. I like to escape to my workshop early in the morning and regroup myself.... before the day starts with chasing an 11 month old, designing my bags, volunteering and of course blogging....


  12. Sounds like fun, will check out her book! You are about 15 miles away from my full on insane corner of the world...we will have to connect ours to form a triangle? one day soon!

  13. Patricia, what a great experience. I love your illustration by the way. Very excited to read the book, Kristin sounds like a wonderful lady.

    Art by Karena

  14. Oh and yes at least 1/2 insane!

    Art by Karena

  15. I'd say self induced insanity with moments of searing sanity.

  16. Sounds like a great evening! Hmm, I'd say my corner of the world is half-insane. The juggling of work, kids, husband, volunteer work, etc. can drive me batty at times. But, without it all, I'd be lost. :)

  17. My corner is fully insane right now! But a new business will do that to you. I'm loving it though...
    Sounds like you had a delightful evening - especially the visit with the friend's twins.

  18. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are the new Cecil Beaton...XXOO

  19. When my life becomes too hectic, I go to my corner chair and relax.

  20. I love that! One day (hopefully not too far away) I want a corner pic of my apartment done. You're very talented!

  21. I always enjoy reading and looking at all of your beautiful expressions from my corner of the world.


  22. My corner is totally insane ... but I tell myself it's only half-insane to make myself feel better! Saturday - High Point for the day, back in the evening for a 50th anniversary celebration for my mothers of multiples group (I'm the President). Sunday - back to High Point for the day. During the week - hubby out of town for work, regular babysitter on vacation, client meetings, planning for the big 4th birthday party and March of Dimes walk on the weekend, in-laws in town, blah blah blah. 'Tis the life of a busy but happy mom! ;-)
