
Monday, April 26, 2010

can do

On a recent trip, I snapped a shot of this cheeky pillow. Now, how great is that, words to gently provide just the right sort of confidence to your day. What sort of words would provide a "can do" sort of attitude to your pillow? My youngest has a series of school testing this week and how nice would it be to wake up to some incentives on your pillow.

This post automatically appeared shortly after my "change of face" post below. Please be so kind to read and leave a comment.


  1. I totally agree with you. I have been looking for inspiring words to use in our son's bathroom and these words seem to say it all.

  2. Great post and I agree that seeing words can help boost one's attitude. I actually have on my to-do list to find a chalk board with a great frame to hang in my kids bathroom. I want to be able to write something on it most mornings...I love you, you can do it, etc! Right now, I'm getting ready to head into the city and I'm thinking "You Can" do it in the rain!

  3. I like these words simple but yet so strong. How about sticking little notes here and there with these words wrtten. Or maybe making a batch of cookies decorated with "can do"? Hugs... xo

  4. We all need encouraging words. What a great reminder to put it in writing - I'm going to tuck some notes in my sons' backpacks this week!

  5. 'Never forget your place in this world.'

    'Go for it'

    Think Big

    Be there when you're there.

  6. LOVE your pillow!

    Well, our pillows could say:

    Wash up & brush your teeth
    (Needlepoint by Lisa of Bloomsbury)

    (Black and white typewriter print)

    Kiss More Eat Less (in pink)


  7. Sometimes the simplest of messages are the best! Good reminder Patricia!

    Art by Karena

  8. PVE,

    Like I've said our words are our flowers. People respond when words are fresh and pure.


  9. I've always been drawn to this inspirational quote by Nelson Mandela (which is probably too long to put on a pillow!) but reads, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
    I remember reading this when I was a college student and I think it made me feel a bit braver to believe in myself.

  10. great inspirational words - short and sweet!

    my favourite is:

    love the life you live
    live the life you love

  11. I think mine would read "stop procrastinating"! lol


  12. I definitely needed to see this...I have my last week of classes and finals before I graduate college and I am having a hard time finding the motivation to finish strong. I know I can do it!

  13. Fabulous. Not too ra-ra, just enough of a nudge to be welcome.

  14. Wonderful idea....we all could use a word boost of encouragement now and then...or even hourly! :)

  15. yes, I'm very into this pillow. I have finals next week and notes like this are just what I need!
