Tuesday, February 09, 2010

tell all tuesdays

What an honor and a privilege to be part of "tell all tuesdays" over here. Thank-you Char!
Hop over and see the fabulous art they create, from the bonds of friendships as artists, moms, and bloggers. Thanks!


Joyce said...

Just did and sent you an email. Smile... Nicely done. I love the illustration of where you create!!xo

Anonymous said...

Just read your interview. Im always inspired by you. Thank you. Did you like reading "The Help". I loved it.

style chronicle said...

Loved the Help and Half Broke Horses too. I assume you have read Glass Castle? You and your work never cease to inspire. xo

Emily said...

I love, love, love the calendar you did for one of your clients. How creative and fun. You should put another one together for your Etsy shop!!!

I'll have to check out your interview. Thank you again for your work on the illustrations for the princess party. They are so pretty.

Hamptontoes said...

I'm going to touch base with you about doing a little art for me! Love the style of your craft!

pve design said...

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Loved reading the Help. Have you read it?
( I did this interview a few months ago and they posted it, now I have a new stack of reads!)

yes, read The Glass Castle, loved it.
What are you reading, in between taking care of your brood and a home!

Emily -
I knew you would appreciate that calendar!
I want to do one on my own. I need to get going on this!

Debra said...

Congrats to you. I have been back to the library-leaving this time wirh full arms. Do send along the reading list you mentioned-I need more books. I am now tuning out everything else at night and just reading. I needed only to post about it-to make it so. Nice interview Patricia- I do enjoy those.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading that interview, and learning a bit more about you. And you know how I feel about your work...LOVE!

Henley on the Horn said...

I enjoyed your interview!

Gwen Driscoll said...

I can't wait to read your interview! Going there now. I gave you a little award today on my blog. Go by & see when you have time. Hope you are well.

Maia said...

What fun!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Great interview pve! It's fun learning a little more about someone. Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...


I'd appreciate if you can give me some feedback on our site: www.regencyshop.com

I realize that you are home decor-modern design connoisseur :) I'd like to hear your opinion/feedback on our products. Also, it'd be swell if you can place our tulip table on your blog.

Thank you,
