
Thursday, January 21, 2010

summer time all year long

Allow me to indulge my Winter time blues in a little interview with Allie of Summer is a verb. It has been my pleasure to create artwork for her summertime obsession.

Surely after reading this, we will all be ready for a trip to Summer time,somewhere warm and sunny!
When did your fascination with summer begin?
The minute I was old enough to understand that summer meantno school, short distance swimming, long days and Lilly Pulitzer galore.

Do you design a life around summer all year? If by "design" you mean fantasizing that I'm running along Gin Lane in Southampton on the way back to my summer cottage when in fact I'm suffering through 8 milers in 20 degree weather, well then yes, I believe I do.

What inspires you most about summer? All the best clothes, natch! Plus, everyone knows you look thinner with a tan. And, when it comes to tanning, I reached pro level alooong time ago.

How do you create a Summer is a Verb attitude during the winter? By sneaking off to my parents home in Ixtapa, Mexico midwinter for a dose of sun and surf. It's also an opportunity to test drive some of my newly acquired summery duds that I'm waiting to debut during the upcoming "season".

Favorite bikini? My two all time favorite bikinis were a white 96° and a lil black Gucci number that my sister Mandy and I both had. Très Bain de Soleil. I also had a thing for Head racing suits. Are they still around? Someone should resurrect those!

Favorite sunscreen? Skinceuticals SPF 30 for my face, neck and back of hands, since that's were a women first shows her age, and good ole Coppertone for the rest. Strictly for the scent mind you.

Favorite goggles and swim cap? I don't do caps. I usually had so much chlorine in my hair it was like a virtual cap. If I had a nickel for every old lady that approached me and asked what I put in my hair to make it so shiny, I'd havethat cottage in the Hamptons! And, for goggles I'm loyal to Sweds, preferably in green or mirrored for summer.

Best beach towel? Oooo Hermes...Babe still swears he'd end up on American Greed one day as "the former CEO whose wife collected $500 beach towels". But, a girl can dream...

How do you handle a burn? Advil and a good margarita. Patrón Silver and Cointreau por favor. The Advil's for the burn and the margarita's to drown my no sun for you tomorrow blues.

Allie posts dreamy things summertime candy all year long....
I just might pack myself in
your bag as I would love a little trip to a warm locale, can you blame me for dreaming! Thanks for the summer time inspiration all year long. Let's hope the "cats play while the mouse is away." Have a wonderful trip!


  1. A wonderful summer moment for the burrr weather we are having hear. Do you think a good margarita will help for frost bites?

    I truly injoyed the warm interview today. Thanks for starting off my day! xo

  2. After enjoying an almost 60 degree day sandwiched in between many that have been much colder I've been dreaming about it being summer all year round. Thanks for providing more fuel for my little fantasy.

  3. great sense of humor to go along with her sunny disposition and name. really enjoyed this as i am a summer-lovin gal myself.

  4. Thanks for the warm memories of summer weather, and all that goes with it.

  5. The new header is lovely...I am dreaming of a tan and a cocktail and I haven’t even had breakfast! xx

  6. I love the new header Summer is a verb! So pretty...after this winter I can hardly wait for the talk of summer.

  7. Oohh, needed to read about WARM things! :0)

  8. Thank you so much for the honor Patricia! I luuuv my header. Long live the white bikini..♥

  9. Allie-
    next sketch shall be the white bikini!
    cheers to summer!

  10. This interview makes miss summer even more now. Boston needs to hurry this snow thing up and get moving to the warm sun!

  11. What a great interview and I love your artwork and her blog.

  12. Wow! Her new header is fabulous!
    Your work is amazing. xo

  13. Great interview Patricia!! My summertime came from living in San Diego 13 years! Aloe pure gel is great for burns!

  14. Those earrings are wonderful! Any idea where they came from?

  15. Patricia, I feel like I know you already - I have much admired your artwork since first seeing it at J McLaughlin, and this piece is a new favorite.

    Love the post - great banter between two wise and witty women!

    all the best,

    Meg Carter
    (of the "sea candy dangles")

  16. Great interview and so it rains/sleets/yuck outside!
    I want those earrings!

  17. I love Allies attitude and sense of humor. Thanks for the interview. Im missing my sun here in California at the moment. Lots and lots of rain this week.

  18. about 24 hours I will be diving into that exact pool. White bikini and all...XXOO

  19. *Sigh*

    We have been living behind a wall of grey fog for the past ten consecutive days. This post was a fantastic escape!

  20. I love that interview and what a great name for a blog :) Loved the comment you just left on my blog--I totally agree and look forward to seeing your post on the matter!!

  21. Such a fun and funny interview. And I just squealed with delight upon seeing my blog in your reading list. I'm honored.

  22. Love the header.

    And just reading this reminds me of my favourite Bain de Soleil commercial from the 80's...

  23. I love the Fall it is too short.
    Right now could stand a few days of fishing in the keys.
    I am up to my buns in snow..


  24. Snow is melting finally more may be on the way this weekend. For now it's a yucky mess. Glad someone is on sun time. We need those harbingers of hope.

  25. Such a great post for the winter blues! Thanks. The header is warm and sunny and happy!

  26. There is nothing better than sun on the skin. It's an instant perk up! I can't wait for it. So ready for the cold to go away. Hope you are well.

  27. are simply.... adorable. this made my whole day... will you please help me???
    xx pam

  28. I am so dreaming of summer! Seems so close, yet so far away...yes, I remember being off school mostly.

