
Saturday, January 09, 2010


Perfect Autumn ensemble by pop pop portraits - found on etsy ( she looks like me)
My husband gave me the thumbs up on a new pair of glasses, well not the style, but the fact that we have money in the eye-glass department. So off I go for a new pair of spectacles.
Mis-match lady (Primary colors) found on etsy at pop pop portraits
Is it me, or do larger glasses look good again. I have had wire, tortoise, black, cat-eye, librarian, square, round, and now I am sort of excited by going a bit larger. Anybody out there have a favorite brand or frame of the moment. I found these ladies over here.
Glasses are just another accessory to me.


  1. Good Morning~ I wear contacts, but when I want to rest my eyes...or just be lazy I have a pair of Norma Kamali's that I love as much now as when I got them two years ago. I hear glasses are the new fashion statement. So carry-on and dress those baby blues to the nines.

  2. I think glasses are a nice accessory, it draws attention to your eyes. Can't wait to see which style you go with! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. oohh i love glasses too :) i have to wear them (or contacts occasionally) so i treat them as an accessory too. i recently purchased a couple of pairs and the dark rimmed, larger framed ones are banana republic. :) i really like them. have fun!

  4. I don't need glasses yet, but have often wished that I did just so that I could change my look. My mother-in-law has the chicest pair of orange frames.

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  6. These sketches are so cute I love her style. Good luck with your glasses.

  7. I don't wear glasses, YET, except sunglasses, but will probably need some down the road. For now, I just use readers when I need to really focus in on some detail work. These illustrations are adorable.

  8. i love glasses on people... it shows a fun side of their personality... i always wanted them and now as i age.. worry i might finalllly need them!!! have a wonderful weekend... x pam

  9. I hope to be sporting some aviators this year...sunglasses that is..... Love the little pop ups today!

  10. I wear glasses and have worn the same style for so long that they have rather become my signature glasses. I don't know if I could change them now!!

  11. Ooooh - post a pic of your new glasses. I'm on the lookout for some myself and I'd love to see what you find. The drawings are charming!! Love the orange knit hat gal!

  12. I'm with you. Glasses are another accessory. Live it up, PVE. Go BIG!

  13. I'm sure your glasses will be drop dead smart! Stay toasty in your warm boots this weekend. xo sharon

  14. By the way...I just love your profile pic too.

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  16. I wish I could wear contacts! I need a pair of prescription computer glasses at this time and plan to pick an artsy style in red or black. They are a great accessory!

  17. Oh fun! I can't wait to see what you pick out. I think larger would be pretty cool.

  18. I was 20/20 at 40, but years of desk-top publishing on a very small mac and POW there I am with glasses. I cheat. At this point I need only magnification, and I buy cheepies and leave them all over the house and in the car. When I need to go bi-focals, I'll get serious.

  19. How cute. The top gal looks like you, but the bottom one looks like me! I just adore eyeglasses. I don't really need my glasses unless I'll be reading or looking at a screen for a long time, but I just adore wearing them.

  20. For 2010 I received my first pair of bifocals. I knew it had to happen sometime...

    I love shopping for new glasses! Kate Spade and Gucci have some that are cool, and then there's the Bellagio line. In the end, I went with frames from Revlon and (yay!) got lots of great compliments.

    Will you show us what you choose?

  21. I love Mr. Preppy Fox! And, just got my inaugural pair of specs a couple of weeks ago and I went with a classic Bvlgari tortoise frame. Snazzy but, still make me slightly nauseous when wearing...
