
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

latte love

Emily (faithful blog reader) sent me this wonderful photo of a latte that her dear husband made for her. I would love this right now as we had a 2 hour delay due to some nasty weather, snow, icy and rain. I drove my husband to the train, took in a neighbor's daughter to bring her to school and had 3 shifts of breakfast, french toast topped with powdered sugar, hot cocoa, fresh fruit and juice. Making lunches, delivering to school and respective buses.
Now, my day begins.
Hope your day begins with lots of latte love!


  1. PVE, I hope the rest of the day is yours and yours alone.Too bad all of your fans can't be there right now to make YOUR day better. Hugs to you.

  2. You've already put in a full day. Schools here are closed. A wonderful day to paint and enjoy some holiday music. Have a great rest of the day.

  3. home before dark,
    oh, dear, I do hope my post did not come across as full of complaints, just another day in a full life and I am honored to be healthy to be a Mom, an artist and enjoy moments for latte!

    how much snow do you have?
    I am turning on the holiday music now!

  4. I am getting ready to bear the frigid cold here in KC!Just everyone be careful driving out there! Oh and I love your illustration below.

  5. What time do you rise my Dear?

    The latte sounds great, but my machine is in a box in the garage. I think under the fall decorations.

    We are having a blizzard here
    lots of snow, almost white out conditions.I am staying home..

    Drive carefull ..I walked my dog
    and we both almost slipped.

    I am going to "RE-DO" a painting.

  6. What time do you rise my Dear?

    The latte sounds great, but my machine is in a box in the garage. I think under the fall decorations.

    We are having a blizzard here
    lots of snow, almost white out conditions.I am staying home..

    Drive carefull ..I walked my dog
    and we both almost slipped.

    I am going to "RE-DO" a painting.

  7. Good luck with your day... BUSY!

  8. Oh my you so need that PVE. What a good wife, mother & neighbor you are. I hope the day will call for also putting your feet up? All the best to you ~

  9. "now my day begins" - this is what I say every night at 8PM when the crumb goes to sleep!

  10. Adorable...that would most certainly put a smile on my face! Hopefully the rest of your day was a bit more restorative than the beginning was.

  11. Now I'm hungry for french toast and coffee!

  12. Oh my - what a day!!! I wish I could have delivered a hot latte to you! I have to say my husband makes a mean latte - one to love. I hope the weather and day got better and that you're now enjoying a glass of wine (it is after 7 pm)!

  13. Hi Patricia

    What is that army saying--doing more before 5 am than most people? Same applies to Moms!

  14. And with just a hop, skip and a jump to Australia ...where I am.
    It is so so hot 35 deg c.
    Im thinking of an iced coffee maybe!

  15. Sounds like coffee is a good idea although I agree with Ms Lace, its too hot here so...make mine iced as well. Ax

  16. Love all the love in a latte. How sweet.

  17. Lokks like the Northeast got the midwstern blast - are you snowed in today?

  18. Is it too late to put in my breakfast order? You are so sweet for all the love you give my friend. xo
