
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Holiday smiles

It is that time of year, Holiday greetings, photo cards and the opportunity to see how families have grown and how they have changed. The addition of a pet, or a new family member is always such a treat to see. I am in awe of those who give birth, adopt or become a foster parent.

In the midst of all that December entails, take time out to go see "Blind side" and feel your heart fill with holiday cheer. Based on a true story, this movie touched me in a real way. As a mother, I left the theatre thinking that taking in someone less fortunate, opening my home is all that we need to know just how fortunate we are. We can so easily get caught up in the material side, and lose focus that it is a time to renew our spirit and hope for a better world full of joy and peace.
Sandra, you should be smiling at your incredible performance, you rock! The role she played of "Leanne" was touching and empowering. I left the theatre feeling stronger, hopeful and proud of women who plow ahead, stand tall and live fearlessly. Have you seen it and what did you think? Did it make you smile or cry?


  1. i love Sandra . she is a wonderful actress.. and i didn't watch this movie.. i think she will rock...

  2. I have seen the trailers for this film & wish that the UK release coincided with the Stateside showings. It looks wonderful.

    Thanks for checking up on me. I'm having a pretty good week. We all have survived a seven-year old birthday party yesterday. Now that we've dispensed with the "one year older" celebrations, there's no stopping the Christmas decorations demands!

  3. As I sit here in a flooded basement (my studio!) I think this movie may just what I need right now.....take me away! Thanks for reminding me, I am getting out of here tonight.

  4. I have not gone to the movies, in I cannot remember how long. I am glad you reviewed so well. It is top of my list.

  5. I definitely want to see this, and since Mike has a crush on Sandra (who doesn't? :-) I may even be able to convince him to join me. Total chick flick, or will the man be able to deal?

  6. I plan on seeing this movie. I like her alot as an Actress.

  7. I have got to see this movie everyone is raving about it!

  8. I saw it -- and totally cried! Sandra Bullock was great -- as was the rest of the cast. Very real, very moving, really stuck with me. I even got teary eyed just talking about it with someone!

    Gotta go get a tissue.....

  9. I didn't even know anything about it (this is what happens when one has no television in the house!), but I can't wait to see it. Sounds wonderful!

  10. Can't wait to see this movie, the ads even make me cry! Also, I just saw the painting you did for Eddie and it is fabulous!! Love how you brought the room to life!!

  11. So looking forward to seeing this movie.What a story.

  12. I cried the first time I saw the the family went after our Turkey feast on Thanksgiving. It was excellent! I left feeling so challenged and uplifted and wanting to cheer on all Mothers in the world!! Great movie!

  13. I have not. That lady is one of my favorites, a wonderful actress.
    I will head out tonmorrow.
    Thank you for the tip. I need some
    thing to give me a boost into the season.

    It's always fun coming to you. Yvonne

  14. We want to see it, the kids have been asking, it's a magical story!
    Now i can't wait to go!

  15. I can't wait to see it. I read the book and loved it...

  16. Think I'll have to see this one. I saw the trailers for it but missed the part about it being a true story. Love your artwork...the wreath cards are beautiful!

  17. I saw this movie last weekend and LOVED it -LOVED.I laughed, smiled AND cried! I can't recommend this movie enough!

  18. I loved the book; can't wait to see the movie!

    You may enjoy my post on the book:

    The Left Tackles in our Lives

    Your illustrations just make me so happy!

    Whitney Johnson (signed in as Miranda)

  19. I have not seen this movie yet, but it looks so good, I cant wait to see it!

  20. Yes, I saw it this weekend. Such a good movie. I agree that Sandra was fabulous at Leanne. And SJ was adorable.

  21. I went, I saw, I wept. Ann
