
Friday, December 11, 2009


How fun it is to see this holiday blog banner appear during the month of December. I illustrated this for Ronda at "All the Best Blog" several years ago and it was before I even had a blog or much less really knew what a blog was all about. Now I am a believer as I have been busy posting nearly every day on my blog. Do you believe that a blog can bring about all the best to you?

Thanks so much to Ronda for her encouragement, her kindness and her believing in me to be and do my best. A passport to stylish living is something to believe in!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry for misspelling in my last comment. Must have more coffee!

    Ronda has such great style. This is so well deserved.

  3. Kwana,
    Thanks for your kind comments and your belief in me and my artwork. You are a dear friend! You were so kind to help me get my blog started!

  4. I love to blog, and to share my artwork and love of the home with other people who covet it as well.
    Love the banner,
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Ronda could not have chosen a better person to create such a perfect banner for her! I love it and am so glad you are such an integral part of the blog community. Have a great weekend! xo

  6. I've always liked Rhonda's banner, however, it brings a smile to my face when I see her dressed for Christmas! :)

  7. It's a great banner. I remember it from last year!

  8. I love her banner :) I'm still hoping to have a piece done by you, as soon as I have a really good excuse! :) I adore your pieces, so whimsical and uplifting.

  9. I love the change-over for the season. I'm checking my list over and over-too many errands this time of year... but sooo much fun!
    I love all of the banners you have created. I can always spot a PvE.

  10. Ronda is blazing a trail for the rest of us who are trying to get the business of social media right. She's brilliant, thoughtful and oh-so-down to earth. When I realized that you'd done her artwork, I wasn't surprised. Birds of a feather do tend to flock together, no? Cheers!

  11. She is a clever girl, she picked PVE to draw her blog header. She is a fun girl, she had PVE put a Santa hat on it. Smart and fun is a great combination in any woman.

  12. Great banner! Love the gams -- such a fun twist.

  13. Patricia,

    I love your work for Ronda and the holiday logo is really cute. You really captured her style in your work. Hope all is well.

    Ragland Hill Social

  14. Patricia, you have been such an inspiration to your friends and fellow artists! I would never come this far without the kindness of all of you!

  15. Hi Patricia, I do know that by blogging I have made connections in this world that I never would have done're an inspiration to me as an artist.
    I love your work.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. dear patricia...your work is so amazing and ronda is such a sweetheart ... congratulations to each of you...very talented women...
    have a wonderful holiday season... x pam

  17. She's great, isn't she? Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)

  18. I agree, a blog can definitely bring out the best in all of us!

  19. Ronda is one of my friends on Facebook and I feel special just with the proximity to her fabulous taste...XXOO

  20. I just realized this a.m. on facebook that Ronda's header had been updated with a festive holiday addition. I knew without asking that you had designed her fabulous heading. You have that style that stands out loud & clear. I adore your work.

    I do believe that blogging changes lives. It's meeting people such as yourself. x

  21. Ronda has such great style. This is so well deserved.

    Work from home India

  22. I love all of the banners you have created.

    Wagyu Steaks
