
Sunday, November 01, 2009

November now

A nod to November.

It is November now. Time to rise and shine with sparkle!

I love November. The November birth flower is the Chrysanthemum. The stunning citrine or topaz birthstone reminds me to look for strength and hope as our clocks fall back and we have more time to reflect inwardly yet must focus on shining our light with the approach of the holidays. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. We usher in a month of thanks, a time to share, to nourish and to enjoy one another.

I am really looking forward to a wonderful month ahead full of adventure. My fortune cookie read;

"Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment."

How about you, are you excited about this month and all the promise that it holds now? This month, I plan to have tons of exciting posts to inspire you to create all month long. My dear friend, over here -is planning on spending her month like this. Let's all challenge one another to focus, to move, to run, to achieve all the goodness of November, now.

Love to hear what steps you plan to implement in order to achieve your goals. Would you like to join me this month and post your November now?

images from; top - e-bay topaz, new york botanical garden chrysanthemums, wikipedia vintage chrysanthemum poster


  1. I like November- for it readies us for the festive days to come. It's a quiet month in some ways. Nature is turning its cheek from the warmth and preparing us for what lies ahead, shorter days that can be full of promise, projects left unfinished, and a time to delve into something new.

  2. Debra,
    love for you to join me and post your "November Now" and how you will reflect, prepare and fulfill the promise that this month holds. May each of us find strength and hope in the completion of projects and make time for new things to enjoy life!

  3. It is almost a shock that it is November. Is it just me? Our autumn has been so beautiful and yes the idea of something new around the corner is very enticing!

  4. Karena,
    Love for you to post "November Now" too-
    Yes, it is November! Enjoy the 30 days!
    Our Autumn has been spectacular, the colors are awe inspiring.

  5. I am so happy that it's now November. I'm making my list this morning as to what this month holds for me. I have several Christmas projects of quilted stockings for Santa to fill for my two sons. Good luck with your projects this month!

  6. Emily-
    How wonderful of you to create such a lasting keepsake for years to come. I know Santa will love filling those hand-made stockings and as your wee ones grow, they will appreciate them more and more.
    I hope Santa puts some tangerines inside. We always had tangerines inside, and I love the smell during the the holidays.

  7. Think my November reads excitement with a twinge of fear as well. You've given me a new appreciation of topaz.

  8. Mrs.Blandings,
    Citrine, Topaz and Canary gem-stones are all like sunshine on a November day, or any other month for that matter.

  9. November Now: I am making a mental list, and I think the main idea is volunteering at the Food Bank a few towns away for Nov. and Dec. They always need help. I have more to think about, as well.

  10. Love November reminds me of all I'm thankful for and excitement for Christmas is around the corner.

  11. I love your reflective words. What a great quote in your fortune!

  12. Beautiful post! It makes me excited for Thanksgiving and fun with family.


  13. A lovely post. November is a little different here in Australia, due to the weather! It really starts heating up for our summer and our hot, humid Christmas. I love November. School is winding down, the days are so much longer, the nights are still cool, there is still plenty of time until Christmas. I agree it is a reflective time as one realises how fast the year has gone by. My Mum is 70 on Christmas Day so this month I am planning a surprise dinner party for her, her husband and my brothers and their wives... and me and hubby of course. I am hiring a chef to whip up a beautiful meal here in my new home.... so I suppose we will be having a thanksgiving dinner down here in Australia despite the fact that it is not celebrated here! A-M xx

  14. A-M-
    Oh how lovely to celebrate your Mom's b-day. 7o is a very special year! Wishing you wonderful days this November!

  15. What a great challenge that is, makes me excited just thinking about it! In my writing days this would have been great for me. I'll have to think of a different sort of challenge for my November. I think November is a perfect month to get motivated and productive, just as winter sets in. Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. Thanks so much for the love and support. I'm so happy to have a friend like you cheering me on. It does my heart good.

    So far word count made for today!! Yay!

  17. Kwana,
    Write away dear!

    I imagine writing must come easy to you!

  18. Thanksgiving is also my fav holiday! And as far as non summermonths go, November is tops on my list too...XXOO

  19. This November holds many treats for me, new projects, a journey to the older boys in Germany! Thanksgiving back home here with my family. Oh, so much to look forward to!
    Those stones are beautiful.
    I am glad you love this month as well! A little bit of autumn left and some pre-Christmas feel in the air too.


  20. november and off we go-ban the procrastination - set goals - get it done - and then life won't careen out of control in dec

  21. this is a great post and a great idea- something about those Pilgrims brings out a spartan Puritan work ethic and drive- it's roll the sleeves up time!


  22. I know I shouldn't complain, but out here in Californiait is so HOT today...89 degrees....

    Where's Novemeber?

    I LOVE your blog. Just beautiful.
