
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


photo from apartment therapy
Today is all about "warm-ups" - First thing is one-hour of tennis indoors and then back home to grab my knitting bag and gather with my group for our weekly knitting. ( Followed by a pile of artwork to be done! ) which brings me to a list of great ideas for you to "warm-up" to.

1. Clean your house - which gets your blood going.
2. Take a brisk walk which will warm you up and get you going.
3. Drink warm liquids.
4. Make a home-made pot of soup or stew. Your home will smell good too!
5. Take a hot bath.
6. Dress in layers.
7. Knit a colorful afghan or blanket.
8. Add warm colors to your home, rusts, orange, red, caramel, browns.
9. Build a fire (if you have a hearth!)
10. Rake leaves or sweep.
11. Make a pot hot mulled cider.
12. Bring some fall touches inside, a basket full of apples, some foliage, warm candles....

Warm-up your day with just one of these ideas to keep you cozy.
How do you warm-up when you have a chill?


  1. these are fab- have to add workout too- just done with a 50 min lifting session! I believe there is an Abraham Lincoln quote akin to "chop your own wood and warm yourself twice."

    great post pve :)


  2. oh i'm quite intrigued by the hot mulled cider!
    we're saying goodbye to Indian summer here and it's a bit cold now so it means more hot tea and having a soft woolen throw on the sofa and..more red wine in the evening!

  3. Great list! I have a cold so I will certainly be doing at least a few of those today.

  4. Those are great ideas. I have two candles going right now and it adds cheer to my morning. A good workout would do my soul some good too!

  5. Please vote for me today :-)
    You only have 24 hours...

  6. I love your list! I'm already warm and toasty. Have fun my friend. xoxo

  7. Loved your list. Especially the "wise precaution" as the Brits say about only lighting a fire if you have a hearth! I spend this transition raking a forest of leaves in my yard. I come in for hot tea. After a long day of work, hot tub/shower, glass of wine and great music. A gentle rhythm of changing seasons.

  8. Wonderful tips for autumn & wintry weather! I have also completed some autumn inspired paintings, with warm reds/rusts bronzes.etc

  9. We love to cuddle with our boys and pooches under a warm fleece blanket... The weather outside can be frightful but a cuddle is so delightful!

  10. Great list of warm-ups. my warm-ups are yoga and cuddling with hubby and kitties.

  11. You've listed all the reasons I love this time of year! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking time to comment. Your artwork is just lovely and I look forward to following you. :)

  12. Oops. That last post was me from

  13. Autumn is my favorite season for these reasons! Hot mulled cider sounds lovely, although my friends from Denmark used to make a spiced wine around the holidays that did WONDERS to warm a person up!

    I love bringing out all of the blankets at this time of year, and all of my chunkier knits...there's just something really exciting about ditching all of those summer clothes and packing them away.



  14. I totally agree with everyone of these, especially a warm fire right now. I didn't know you played tennis either. Let's play in the spring!


  15. Today is my weekly knitting get-together too! I'm working on my first sweater, and it's going Verry Sloowly!

    It's nice enough today that I will be able to run after work. After daylight savings time changes, it'll be too dark and I guess I'll go back to the gym!

  16. Soup (preferably homemade), the lighting of candles, and a soft shawl around my shoulders.

  17. This post made me feel warm all over!
    My studio is on the 1913 side of the house (which is much colder than the 2004 side of the house!) so I wear Norwegian sock-slippers while I work on a cold day (warm feet = happy me), drink ginger tea,and rub lavender lotion into my hands. Of course, it always helps if my husband is simmering a big pot of his famous spaghetti sauce in the kitchen ;)

  18. Yes indeed, I brought some warm colours in the home by orange cushions, a brown plaid, chestnuts in the kitchen!


  19. Quite the lovely list. Snuggling with the boy is rather high on my list ;)

  20. Nothing like getting warm and cozy this time of year.. We have lots of fires and there always a pot of soup on the stove. We call left-overs...'warm-ups'...doesn't that sound nice?

  21. Change is good especially for a new season.
    Great list and fun stuff too!


  22. Patricia,
    you make me want to start knitting....
    Love all your warm-up ideas!
    How about one more idea...
    OK, one more:
    When I am really cold I make tea and wear my warmest socks and sweater!

  23. What great advice. You just reminded me that I had tea that was steeping. Thank you!

  24. Good list maybe you should add get under the covers? Back to bed for me!

  25. Kwana,
    Ha, yes that is a good one!
    I forgot all about that infamous snuggie too!

  26. A quick run first thing, hot shower and shave and a layer of cashmere (sweater, sure, but socks!)

  27. I'm suddenly mulling hot cider...

    Great list! I warm up with a "fancy" hot chocolate...usually something I concoct with an "odd" milk or two (almond milk and low-fat coconut milk are a great combo, I've found), really good ground cocoa, and some "surpirse" -- like cayenne, pumpkin pie spice, ginger...the possibilities of deliciousness are endless! :-)
