
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sunday supper

image from Better Homes and Garden
Not your Grandmother's house, but how cool would it be to have a Sunday Supper here? As a child, my Grandmother would cook for us, never sit, just serve heaping bowls of fresh veggies, mashed potatoes, fried chicken and orange jello with grated carrots. She had a penchant for minimal decor too, not too much on the wall, but she did have an embroidered work that I gave her, hung in her kitchen which read;
"No matter where I serve my guests, it seems they like my kitchen best"
Do you serve or share a Sunday Supper with family and friends in your kitchen?


  1. Almost every weekend during the fall and winter we have my sister and one other person for dinner. I like to do all I can before, so I can enjoy the fire and a glass of wine before serving. This is the best time of year for cooking and havning a guest or two...or four! Your Grandmother prepared and served just as mine did. For years my grandmother did all of her cooking on a gorgeous wood cook-stove.

  2. How sweet this story is. Looking forward to the girls being home from school to enjoy sunday diner with them.

  3. I do love a delicious meal with friends and family. A hearty soup with fresh homemade bread seems perfect this time of year.

  4. We have many Saturday dinners and Sunday Breakfasts...I would LOVE to sit at that table.
    Have a lovely day!

  5. Sunday is always special at home!! different recipe every week and its all spicy !! :)

  6. Inty-
    love to taste your spicy sunday recipes.
    we love authentic indian cuisine and have a favorite spot we love to go to here.
    please share some recipes!

  7. Every Sunday we get together with my family and eat in the formal it is a pot roast from the Crock Pot (so delicious!)after an afternoon of soccer games...with scones for dessert!

  8. Every Sunday I make a big meal that we eat after we get home from church. We eat between 1 o'clock and two. It's normally just the four of us, but everyone must going off to hang out with friends during this time!
    Today we are having homemade chicken pot pie!

  9. Since I was a child, my mother or grandmother would make large Sunday lunches/dinners after church. Now that I have my own little family, I have continued this tradition, and I love preparing the comfort foods of veggies, mac-n-cheese, fresh cornbread, and a fruit crumble or banana pudding for dessert. Yes, the Southern roots are still there deep and strong!

  10. What a great grandmother you have! Since I am close to my parents, I try to go for dinner as often as possible. Nothing like a home cooked meal!

  11. I love that room too - open to the outdoors but also the round table. Round tables make for the best meals: so easy to have a conversation aROUND.

  12. On Sundays afternoons our entire extended family would go visit our Bubbe - she lived in the garage apt of my aunt. My aunt would have a spread like she had bought out a deli! So delicious. White fish, corned beef, pastrami, bagels. Sad to say - that generation all died early of clogged arteries - which my dad swears were caused by those Sunday deli meals. Hmmm. maybe there aren't such good memories after all? But they are to me.

  13. My mother's extended family gathered every Sunday at Gram's house. Fried chicken, pot roast, veggies, and always at least a cake and a pie. Now that my parents are gone and my children are grown, my favorite Sundays are the ones when they gather around our table. And I always try to have a dessert and enough for them to take home for leftovers.

  14. You do know how dear this theme is to me? We are so enjoying our family dinners together, not to often with all family, sometimes with friends, but always with the kids, for now at least!
    Our mothers did the same, we just love all the memories.
    Nice to hear yours!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Suppers at my Grandmother's are a brimful of memories. Always a five course balanced meal that her dear cooks (who outlive her and continue to live with the family as honorary members) whipped up. These were one of my best childhood memories that lingers and influences me to this day.

    P.S. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Appreciate it so especially coming from a blogger extraordinaire such as yourself.
