Sunday, October 11, 2009

sunday shelf- mini diary give-away

mini diary from marta writes
For today's Sunday shelf entry, I posted this sweet little diary from "marta writes" - These little books are equipped with little prompters to jot down what you love! Sunday is a day to open your eyes, to see, to smell, to listen, to taste, and to touch. Take a few minutes out of your Sunday and "jot your life in." Marta is all about celebrating the details.

So jot down a comment here and you will be included in a sweet Sunday give-away, for one of these little books to bring you to your senses! I will post the winner Monday - "Columbus Day"- here in the States.


Debra said...

Now these are the best. At the end of the day the little prompters will allow us to stop, reflect and remember some of the finer points that we would otherwise take for granted~ taste, scent-etc. What a special Sunday give-away.

pve design said...

They are sweet - just the perfect spot to jot down life's daily celebrations, no matter how small or simple.

Purple Flowers said...

This little book is a perfect way to stop and reflect on what is good in life. Thoughts written down can also be a springboard for a poem or story. Believe in being happy!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Oh! I need one of those to keep me focused and appreciate what is in front of me everyday. Thanks for doing this giveaway.

pve design said...

Purple Flowers-
Yes, believing in being happy and taking time to reflect on the good in this life, can add years!
Happy Sunday to you!

You and your daughter should have these fun to see what we celebrate, at every age!

Shandell's said...

I adore little journals to write in, these are beautiful. A great way to keep focused on being grateful.

pve design said...

Each time I strike a match from your lovely box, I am grateful for the light, the warmth and the glow!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

oh these are truly sweet little diaries ... what a lovely idea ... i am so grateful that you have shared them!


i love the smell of thanksgiving dinner ...

i love the sound of absolute still and quiet ~ not a breath of wind today after yesterday's harsh cold blast ...

i love the taste of a cup of tea with my mom (and dinner, of course!) ...

i love the sight of my family gathered giving thanks ...

i love the feel of holding my husbands hand as we go to sleep ...

i love pve for always finding a way to stir my thoughts in wonderful directions ...

prairiegirl xo

Irene said...

I've never seen one of these. Must hunt them down. do enter me in the giveaway.

Karena said...

I am a writer as well as artist, and jotting down my thoughts at the end of the day makes me feel the day is completed.

Kelsey B. said...

I love keeping little journals to record my inspiration, little notes about my daughter and recipes ideas.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. Sometimes when I stare at a blank page its hard to just start writing. These little gems are perfect to reflect on our "gift of life" each and every day.
Great idea pve. Thanks for posting the link too.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

What neat little journals!
I used to keep a gratitude journal and write 3 things I was grateful for each day, unfortunately that journal time has fallen by the wayside! :(

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Love the colors...Journals are the best, been doing it since school days!
Lovely weekend~

Emily said...

I feel like I need one of these books today; focus on the things I love! A very trying, tired, yet sweet 3 year old child is wearing me down!!! Here's one for Sunday: I love the sound of sleeping children!

###### said...

oh i love those..sign me up...if you missed my last giveaway check back tomorrow for another.

Kwana said...

These are the cutest things ever! I think I need about 3 of them. What a perfect giveaway.

undomestic mama said...

What a great idea! I;ve been meaning to get back into the habit of journaling.

Hannah said...

I love marta's creations. Beautiful! I'd love to win one!

Unknown said...

These are absolutely incredible - i wish i had thought of it - i tweeted and fb'd a link to your blog - so fabulous!

Summer is a Verb said...

Happy Columbus Day Patricia...XXOO

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Journals are my daily getaway fact, when my crumb was born, I started a daily journal of her life and have been keeping it going ever since. One day, I will bundle them all up and hand them to her as a gift.

Unknown said...

These diaries are so pretty, I love the idea of writing a journal,
handwriting and pausing and thinking the day over!
It's like meditating, great inspiration.
Thanks ~ always ~ Victoria

Maia said...

What a lovely idea! Particularly for those of us who don't have time to write a "real" journal. This keeps it short and sweet, but still marks the memories.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this notebook! I often jot things like this down on papers all over the place. Would love a little book.

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

Those would make great little gifts...very cute idea! xx

LuLu said...

I think this is the sweetest idea ever. what a beautiful journal to reflect on all the blessing life offers,

marta said...

elizabeth.. obviously there is no need to include me in the drawing, but i wanted to thank you for featuring my diaries on the sunday shelf. hope you and the winner love them. xo.

Jo said...

What a wonderful way to stop and actually live in the moment. I need to learn to appreciate what is happpening around you.


kayce hughes said...

i love the one with the cherries!

Starr said...

What a great list of things to record.

Sanity Fair said...

Very cute!! I'm a sucker for little blank books...

Dallas Shaw said...

this is really sweet