Friday, October 23, 2009

Pattern give-away!

WINNER OF THE Amy Butler sewing pattern is Mindy! Congrats Mindy, a package is being sent your way today!

I am honored to be giving away this wonderful Amy Butler Pattern for you to make a field bag and tote! Please take a minute to peruse the site here to select an Amy Butler Design fabric.
The colors are pure happiness. The fabrics are cheery and great to sew with.

Feel inspired to sew and make this roomy weekend get-away bag? Leave me a comment if you so (sew) incline. Winner will be announced on Monday! Happy weekend to each of you.


Mindy Lockard Etiquette said...

I love to sew, sew much in fact that I make Elle and Maggie's clothes. BTW, I'd still love to see the picture of your childhood jumper... Pick me!

Darby said...

Patricia... I don't have that pattern but sure would love to!!! Thanks for the opportunity at a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I need to dust of my sewing machine and get to work on a good project like this. This time of year puts me in the frame of mind to flex my domestic muscle. I love the Daisy Chain line, particularly sweet jasmine/grey.

Krista said...

I'm slowly developing my sewing skills and would be truly inspired to make this adorable bag! I hope I win!

HollieHobbie said...

You are now one of my new favorite blogs! I "spotted" you on
I am excited to sit and read your whole blog one of these evenings!
Thanks for sharing your creativity.

info said...

Awesome bag! GREAT size (I seem to end up with the whole family's towels in my bag?), GREAT colours (Perfect for our Noosa style), GREAT strap (big, wide & comfy for my worn out kid-carrying mummy shoulders) - Oh, and GREAT classic style (will never go out of fashion!). SEWING MACHINE PREPPED! Now, for that pattern... :). Thanks for being such an inspiration - it's hard to keep the momentum of creativity flowing sometimes.

erin said...

Hi. I still really need to call you... forgive my lass a**! It's been that kind of time around here. I don't sew, so something like this would most likely be wasted on me, but if I did win by some freaky force I promise I would try my best!

Joyce said...

Sewing is on my list to try again now that my mom is a stone throw away. I LOVE her fabric so colorful, pretty, happy and fun!
Have a golden weekend my friend. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Think of all the art supplies that could fit into that beauty.

mytinyrobotheart said...

ya gotta love an amy butler bag! i'm on the hunt for a chest of drawers to paint too! good luck hunting ;)

NiCoLe said...

I really like that pattern. what a great large bag to hold lots of stuff.

Karena said...

This would be so fun!! Daling bags for getaways! I can do it!

Rebecca said...

I bought one of her patterns for a purse a couple of years ago for our granddaughterto make as a 4_H project. It turned out lovely. Now I want to use it to make one to use next summer for myself. Her fabrics and patterns are great.

I got your card. What fun it would be to stay in the Breezy Hill Inn.

home before dark said...

It's the in the bag! Great style that I hope is doable.

Maiden Jane said...

Great bag! Thanks!

Kitty said...

What a great bag! I just love Amy Butler! Thanks for a great contest!

pve design said...

Ta da - and the winner is ---Congrats to Mindy, your name was hand picked out of a basket by my daughter!
I will send the pattern off to you!

kayce hughes said...

I hope that I am not too late. It looks adorable.