Friday, September 04, 2009

tree line

pve design - recent home illustration, a commission, on a tree lined street in Texas
This lovely home (she) lives down in Texas.
She lives on this street, embraced by these open arms of the branches of these heavenly trees.
Trees provide such comfort on a tree lined street.
What greets you as you come home?


Debra said...

PvE~ While in Maryland I saw so many long, long driveways that were lined with big, beautiful trees. I bet there were some fabulous old estates beyond. You would have loved these trees...and imagining the grand homes.

Anonymous said...

Lovely house and those trees GORGEOUS! Well i am off again... my to do list is neverending.
Have a lovely weekend!

Pretty Neat Designs said...

When I come home I am usually greeted by a big fat fluffy orange cat who cries for attention, circles my ankles, and then flops over for a belly rub. And she is named after a tree - Sassafras.

Joyce said...

Your illustration says "welcome my friends". Beautiful home and trees.

My drive home is a nice one, even during busy times. I don't mind because I have all the beauty of the forest preserves, open fields, horses and beauty that keeps me calm in the bumper to bumper traffic. As I approach going down the BIG hill to to our home the lake shimmers with open arms to greet me saying, welcome home! Once I'm home I have Kelly and Gary waiting for me!
Have a golden weekend my friend! Do you have any special plans?

LuLu said...

The main road to our neighborhood is completely lined with a forest of trees. In spring and summer it's so full of folige you feel enclosed. It's my favorite road to drive.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Tree lined street with big Oak trees, past the grumpy German on the corner to my long cobblestone driveway. Have a wonderful Labor Day!

jae said...

i love a tree lined street. mine is not quite there yet since the neighborhood isn't old enough. it's getting there and i can see how it will be breathtaking in several more years. enjoyed your tree theme this week. my grandfather owned a hardware store in iowa for 20+ years and had a cash register just like that....sure wish i would have thought to take it when he sold the business. i do however have the bells that hung from the door so he could hear when customers came in.

Swetha said...

wow!! lovely painting dear!!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful painting! And I do love your tree theme over the past few posts...lovely.

My best,

Dumbwit Tellher said...

We are lucky enough to have a gorgeous tree lined street with a boulevard, also in TX. It sold us as soon as we drove down the lane. Others go for new construction, but we are drawn to established old growth trees & landscaping as a top priority. Your illustration is terrific PVE.
Happy weekend to you~ D

Kwana said...

We have plenty of trees on our street and already the leaves are starting to fall. Soon the colors will change. Of course I'm always greeted by barking from Jack.

annechovie said...

Lovely, Patricia! Palm fronds greet me at home. Have a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

pve - a big warm slobbery kiss from my pouch :)

home before dark said...

My COMPLETED stone terraces with new plantings awaiting two new trees this month. Today, it is gray -rain and the light makes the berries on my Winterthur viburnams look amazing (this shrub does its own fashion show with berries growing through three different colors before being bird food).

kate said...

patricia, Hi, great painting, i am changing my address as i have moved, also how much is a commision to paint from a photo. write at
kate delahanty 1422 alden dr
charleston, sc 29407

Painted Preppy said...

That is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. Nice tree-lined streets. Classic beauty. Still working on the yard here, but what greets me as I approach my house are a huge lawn (that will slowly be replaced with drought tolerant plantings), olive trees, and two black & white furry faces peering through the side fence (which is what I'm focused on and looking for as I pull into the driveway:)