
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

a time to paint

A painting by Marie Villers 1801 ~ a self portrait
A time to paint and to take a lesson.  
A  time to have a bite to eat, 
A time to check my e-mails. 

A time to post this painting, portrait of Marie Villers 1801. (sent from this fine flower)
A time to sit and to paint.
A time to look up.
A time to see with eyes wide open.

A time to begin a new canvas.
A time to see the warmth of the shadow. ( see it on the left hand side of the canvas? )
A time to see the cool blue shadow on the right hand side of the canvas.
A time to look carefully and to feel complete.

A time to create.
A time for clarity.
A time to be open.
A time to receive and to express, and to realize they are one in the same.

Are you making time to receive and then express yourself?  What was the last thing you did that you felt was a clear expression of yourself?


  1. Love the lighting in the Marie Villers self portrait.

  2. Mel-
    It is incredible, it really shows such intensity - I wonder what she sees.
    Enjoy your day of expressing your self!

  3. It does feel good to have them back in school, doesn't it? Fun when summer starts, too, but wonderful to have a little time to reflect.

  4. This post reminds me of Ecclesiastes: a time and a season for everything. Lovely!

  5. Time is such a precious thing indeed.

  6. There is a time for so many things - marking your time is important otherwise it sometimes slips between the cracks. I'm going to spend the rest of my time today being patient! That's a good use of self expression and love. Wish me luck! Love the painting you posted.

  7. The time I spend working on my business always feels like a clear expression of me - that is what makes it both so hard but also so good.

  8. Words of wisdom!The Villers painting is gorgeous!

  9. i am always taken with how light plays and changes throughout the day ... and i find the lighting in this painting to be remarkable ... how she has caught the backlighting around her hair ... thank you ~ it truly is beautiful!
    time ... time eludes me ... today is a tough day for me as it is my 'babies' last 'first day of school' ... i know this is old, but where did the time go?
    time for reflection for sure ...

  10. I've got to constantly remind myself to be in the moment.

    Contemplating a beautiful painting is one way to do that.


  11. This truly is a gorgeous painting! Thanks for sharing it here with us!

  12. ooooh! I LOVE that painting. I love the simplicity of the back ground and how she is so absorbed in what she's painting. It looks like someone has called her name and she's looked up distracted. Totally captures that feeling of being outside of time when you really get into a painting. Glad you have found time to do some painting. I have blitzed my studio clean again-frantically trying to finish a quilt for when my Mum comes and all the time having new ideas of what I want to do next dancing around in my head...time to make up some new canvases I think.

  13. It leaves so much to the imagination, such lovely painting.
    I try to be aware of the receiving and expressing, its a gift to be able to do it, sometimes there is a time for waiting too.

  14. Cooking has always been my expression...I love the idea of warmth in a shadow...lovely sentiment.

  15. That portrait is riveting and bold, especially when you consider the year it was painted. The style (and her expression) would look at home 150 years later. Love it!

    No time for self expression for me these last few months, at least not to any lengthy degree. But the first place it comes from within me is through poetry and writing. Then on the heels of that comes, gulp (in the presence of a true artist like you), art.

  16. Such a poignant question pve ~ I am feeling a bit lost this week with my new job. Not really feeling like myself @ all. Just being the outsider once again.
    I would have to say oddly enough I feel the happiest when I am riding my Triumph in the countryside with the wind in my face & enjoying the views. It represents the accomplishment of obtaining my license @ near 50. Just thinking about it makes me happier. Thank you.
