
Friday, September 25, 2009

star bright

Look at these little hands of my daughter, lost in crafting at Wave Hill. She knew right away she wanted to make a "star" to hang on our tree. She knew she wanted to wear her corduroy jacket from several seasons ago, with her name that I embroidered on the back. ( No matter that it is a tad bit snug and the sleeves are now a fashionable 3/4 length.) This is a gal who knows exactly what she wants.
Look at that fierce determination and concentration.
That is what I love about art. I feel a certain focus when I create.
There were pine-cones and bits of nature to add to the project.
Even though she knew it was a glorious day outside, she still wanted to get lost in crafting.
On the way home, she asked for more clay so she could make something at home. She has already been one busy and very bright star with the clay her father bought her.
With a busy and exciting week behind me, I wanted to let my family know just how much they mean to me. I am full of gratitude for your patience and support when I spread myself too thin and get lost in my artwork.

Thank-you to my dear husband for braving the Back-to-School nights (2) this week and paltry dinners as I was a bit lost in my work. Thanks to each of you for coming out to support me at 2 venues this week. It sure feels good to have a little praise, and then to come home to such bright stars!


  1. A. is so cute crafting away. This bright Star will be treasured for years to come. The support of family is a gift. We are better for them when we rejoice in the things that fulfill us. Talent runs in your family from way back.

  2. Debra,
    It does thrill me to see it in the "genes" - I always thank my Mom for exposing each of us to the arts.
    I still shake my head, how did she do this with seven of us?

  3. Laura,
    Yes, we have a 3 day weekend and I have one day devoted to finishing up some art, but I am planning on relaxing and basking in the glory of our 22 years of marriage! We are celebrating as a family!

  4. Your daughter looks like a mini Patricia.....I love it! Would love to see your fashion illustrations. Hope to see them sometime soon. Have a great weekend.

  5. star light - star bright! shining everywhere

  6. What a wonderful post. Your girl is so like you, lost in her art and doing it beautifully.

    And your hubby was doing a great job last night as he did double duty. I'll be the witness! Running from class to class trying hard to fit it all in. Only getting one tardy from a teacher as he sprinted through the halls. Boy those classes are far:)

    I hope you had a successful week. Your family is blessed to have you and you are blessed to have each other.

  7. Sande-
    In college, I had a teacher Mrs.Lazarus, and she came from NY, she wore leather pants and had an accent and spoke fast...and lived and breathed fashion. I learned so much from her. I will show you my take on fashion and how it has changed....

  8. So thankful for loving supportive families.... She is your greatest work of art.

  9. She is just like her mom! artist!! Enjoy your weekend,

  10. Looks like you have a little artist on your hands, how wonderful! Hope that you have a great weekend!

  11. Like mother, like daughter! How wonderful that you have passed on your love of creating to her. The support of family is amazing ~ so sweet of you to recognize your husband and give him credit.

    I SO wanted to meet you last night. Getting away on a "school night" is difficult. I hope to have the opportunity one day soon! I hope your evening was amazing and you treated yourself to something fabulous for the lovely shop.


  12. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She is a little beauty, and I love her concentration. Her small hands are cute too. :)

  13. Would love to see your embroidery on the back!

  14. It's so sweet to see her taking after her creative and artistic mother! Thanks for sharing this. Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Such a lovely post. I thank my father for passing his creativity and artistic ability on to me and now my little one. Although I'm no 'PVE', it is such a great outlet for me and a great treasure to share it with my daughter too.
    I hope you don't have too much planned this weekend so you can rest and catch up.

  16. I love the star you made! So nice to see DNA in action. So glad you're having a great week. By the way, totally off key, when I first typed love, I got my finger on the wrong key and it came out ipve! Better than the studnets I used to type forever!

  17. What a talented young lady. With her mother's inspiration she will go far!

  18. I love how you captured an artist creating, getting lost in her own thoughts as magic comes alive from a lump of clay. Only a mom could capture this moment of love and beauty. BEAUTIFUL daughter, mom and star! This sweet star is going to have a special place on many trees ahead.

    Isn't it wonderful to have shining stars in our lives that shine bright and light up our home?!

    Have a golden weekend my friend. xoxo

  19. I love it! She is a lucky girl to explore the creative side of herself. I just love it when I get to have the time to focus in on a project. It's so fulfilling! Happy creative wishes to you and your daughter!

  20. Sweet!!! A little treasure to keep!

  21. PVE,

    It's the sweetness of life that we carry with us day after day. Our family and friends fill the voids when the world gets a little rough or soaks up our time.

    Great post and bless you and your family for completing each other.


  22. 22 years of marital bliss - congratulations!

    Your little 'mini-me' is an absolute doll with very bright star power!

  23. That's one cute kid! I love that you are doing special things like that with your daughter (aka NOT the tv!). She looks like a fashionista in the making.
    I'm oldfashioned. Yep, I am.

  24. Your daughter and Abbott would be peas in a pod, wouldn't they?

    Beautiful, creative daughter; beautiful, creative mother.

    I hope you've got a restful weekend ahead of you after such a momentous week. xoxo

  25. YOur blog looks great! Its been awhile since I have said hi! Hope all is well! xx

  26. Look at your sweet pea expressing creativity just like mom! And here you are expressing gratitude. What a heart warming post.
