
Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Summer time means tons of swim practice and time to be in the pool for my youngest.
I really think she is one part fish.  
She never seems to tire of the water or swimming.
This week, she will be competing in the Westchester Swim Counties Meet at Rye Playland.
She swims, breast-stroke, butterfly, free-style, and the relay.  
I applaud all the athletes for their dedication to swim.
Daily practice surely prepares one for swimming as well as making one strong.
Are you a swimmer?


  1. All three of my children swam in the summer swim meets when they were small. Those were truly special times!

  2. Yes, lifelong albiet not a great one. I believe in life long sports being introduced to children early: riding, tennis, swimming. Team sports may not stay with you, but swimming will always be there.

  3. I adore the water, but I'm not a swimmer. More of a lounger. If I were in a boat that capsized ten feet from the shore, I think I'd be OK. Anything more than that and I'm out of luck! So...I truly admire people like your daughter who are right at home in a pool!

  4. I was just like your daughter growing up. Wish I had more of an opportunity to do it these days!

  5. we both have fish on the mind! love the water and grew up practically living at the swimming pool which led to years on the swim team and then several years as a lifeguard. probably explains why i feel such a pull to the ocean and any sealife. love that your daughter enjoys it so much!

  6. I've always wanted to be, but alas, am not. I'm happier lounging by the side of the pool with a drink and a book!

  7. I can swim, but a strong swimmer, I am not. However, I take great joy in being a spectator for the sport and art of those strokes.

  8. Good luck to your daughter Patricia! I'm horribly un-athletic
    but I do cycle (which any one can do obviously). Let us know how she does and tell her a whole bunch of bloggers will be rooting for her.

  9. Thanks - I will let "swimmy" know that she has a fan club cheering her on!

  10. I love the water but really only "jump" in when I'm on vacation it seems. Best of luck to your daughter!

  11. I am not a swimmer I am or used to be a sunner and lounger, my children and grandchildren all love the water!

  12. Every morning, april through november. In fact, I can't function without my morning swim.

  13. I love the water for recreation! My best friends swam swim team and I always enjoyed cheering them on at their meets. I hope the meet going swimmingly today!

  14. Good luck to swimmy! Such a great sport and so good for you. I love to swim...but I don't make time for it. Maybe a little swimmy for me this weekend when my family arrives for a vacation. They will be staying locally at a cottage-think I'll join in for a swimmy!

  15. Between dancing and swimming, your little one is learning wonderful life skills. She may not always dance, but she will always walk like a dancer with grace and excellent posture. And the butterfly! I was good at the breast stroke, but the butterfly kicks it up a notch with great upper arm and leg strength. As with the others, we are saying: You Go Girl! You have a right to be a proud mama.To say nothing of having mucho hours knitting at poolside!

  16. Good Luck to your daughter. I have my fingers cross for your little sweet fish! xoxo

  17. That pool looks wonderful and brings back such memories! The club my parents joined on Long Island had an olympic size pool and a swim team. Every summer I joined the swim team, practiced my favorite strokes every weekday, back stroke and freestyle and every weekend in summer we had a swim meet at another club or we hosted another club's swim team. It was a lot of fun & great exercise. Some days I was in the pool for 9 or so housr. I'd come home water-logged, wrinkled like a prune and very happy!
    Now I swim whenevr possible for the exercise.

    Good luck to your daughter!

  18. Oh I do hope my lil' crumb continues to love the water as if she was a fish! She is an it's in her blood!

    Swimming is the greatest exercise, and we try to go to the pool as often as possible.

    Good luck to your 'swimmy'!

  19. I think swimming is the best all-around exercise - exercises the whole body evenly, without bulking up. Something one can do for life - I love swimming and wished I had done swim teams/training as a child. Best to your daughter!

  20. Thanks to each of you - Swimmy is about ready for the relay!

  21. Wishing Amelia all the best from another girl who loves to swim!

  22. When my sons were young they participated in indoor swim team during the non-summer months. What a commitment for parents and kids!
    Our family loves to swim, but this rainy summer has certainly been a challenge.
    Good luck to your darling daughter!

  23. Thank you for asking PVE - I adore swimming & we are fortunate enough to have a large lap pool. When my children were young, I use to think they too were fish. It's a great sport & great fun for all ages. Best of luck to your daughter. I would be terribly proud too!

  24. Best wishes! I swam on teams year round from the age of until I graduated from college ~ if only I could be in such shape again! :)


  25. I applaud all athletes with any level of dedication. I sat on the edge of athleticism and wiggled my feet in it, but was never really dedicated to anything. Having said that, I was also a "fish" as a child. I absolutely could not get enough time in the pool. So glad your daughter is involved - it will play a part in keeping her strong and confident.

  26. I an not a strong swimmer either but am planning on working on that! Think its fabulous to have kids do these sports early on- totally agree with Blushing Hostess.

  27. i'm a pisces and love to swim. unfortunately i haven't done enough of it lately. i swam all the time as a child... stayed in the pool til my fingers wrinkled and my toes were almost raw on the underside from the cement bottom. you had to drag me out of the pool! pam

  28. I'm laughing because the banner over the pool looks very much like the banner I made for my yard sale this weekend...and the letters are pretty much the same! :-)

    I didn't really learn how to swim until I was grown (!!). Downside of city life, I suppose. :-) But I looooooove the water. Just wish I were a more confident swimmer.

  29. Kiddos to your daughter for swimming. My daughter used to swim on a team. I could never do what they have to..I'd drown.

  30. Neat to hear about your daughter! My boys love swimming and we go to our neighborhood pool almost every day. I don't really like swimming, I must admit...

  31. I've always loved the water and my two boys seem to have inherited a water obsession from me. They have to be dragged out of the pool. Good luck to your daughter!

  32. It also prepares you for a life long ravenous appetite! Nothing burns calories like swimming...XXOO

  33. I'm sort of an enthusiastic survival swimmer. Not very graceful in the water unlike Mrs. E., who is part fish, thanks in part to ex-UDT dad. My father couldn't swim at all.

    I must admit, swimming in the Med did wonders for my confidence though. No rough waters to speak of and warm through November.

  34. This life sounds quite familiar! Love swim meets... and now my swimmer has become a water polo player as well... I'm enjoying spectator swimming... no pool for moi... not until I can wear a BIKINI and not scare anyone!
    Bon week-end!
