Monday, August 31, 2009

one's laurels

After a weekend of resting on "one's laurels"- it is now Monday and time to get back to the fun games of work.
(The bay laurel was used in the wreaths of the Ancient Greek games?)

Did you know that the "Bay Laurel" is the herb of 2009, according the "Herb Home Companion" which is pictured above. The bay leaf is useful in cooking not only for flavor but for medicinal purposes too.

Imagine, naming yourself after one of your favorite trees, such as this artist.
I found this wonderful vintage book while I was up in the catskills.
This book reminded me of a mural I painted for my hippie sister Liz when I was in college.
(quite frankly it reminded me of a shampoo I loved too)
If you were going to rest on your laurels and name yourself after a tree, tell me, which tree would you be?


Pretty Neat Designs said...

I would be a sycamore tree because I can adapt easily to the big city. And my energy and drive is as massive as these Sycamores that line Memorial Drive in Cambridge.

Deidra said...

I think I'd be a Japanese Maple. Not too tall, but vibrant!

Patricia - You're a winner today! Stop by jumping tandem. Congratulations!

Joyce said...

I'm glad you are rested from a wonderful weekend and ready for the week ahead.

I have been told I am a tree/wood person, so I'm going to go with an oak tree. They are tall, strong, and nurturing. Enjoy your week my friend!

PS Patricia you had me laughing about the bean burger on Friday- smile...

Formerly known as Frau said...

I'm going with an Oak tree aren't they filled with nuts!!

pve design said...

Funny, I failed to mention, my sisters called me "Treeba" when I was growing up - long legs like a bird....
I will tell you what kind of tree I would be in another post.

annechovie said...

I love bay laurel! I would name myself "Frangipani". I love the blooms and it sounds like an Italian woman's name Fran Gipani - LOL. Thanks for the sweet comment today!

home before dark said...

I would be the sweet bay or swamp magnolia. The leaves are glossy green with silvery undersides that look like butterflies in a breeze. The flowers are small and white and the fragrance smell to me the way the earth did in its pristine beginning. In fall the cones turn bright red, attracting birds and looking like beautiful holiday ornaments. They are adaptable. They are deciduous in my climate meaning each year they get new clothes. They ask for little and get back so much. (That last one, I will need to work on!)

style chronicle said...

I would be a Live Oak. They are beautiful, stately and elegant. Love Oaks only grow in places where it is warm and they are evergreen, and so they always provide shade. They are extremely strong, living hundreds of years. They provide endless hours of fun for children who appreciate how easy they are to climb.

Karena said...

A Butterfly Bush In Purple. Wouldn't that be great! All the butterfly's it attracts would be beautiful as well....

Visual Vamp said...

Anything that flowers - Dogwood, Apple, Quince, Pear, Almond, Lilac, Crape Myrtle -
xo xo

Unknown said...

Patricia - such a post to my hearts delight...
I would be a horse chestnut, a German oak or a red beech tree.
You know, like some of the trees at the Lindhurst estate, large, shady and beautiful!
Have a wonderful week! See you soon!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

you always ask the best questions!
the farm where we live was originally named 'oaklands' for the many oak trees, but we also have pine trees which i love for their towering strength ~ standing true against the most wild prairie winds ... and the cones that the squirrels toss at us and the little seeds the cones produce for the birds ... and the green they provide all year long ... not to mention the wonderful smell of their needles ... so yes, i think i would like to be a pine tree ...
many congratulations on your win at 'jumping tandem'! you truly have connected so many and spread goodness with your genuine kindness ~
prairiegirl xo

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Found your link at Sande's. So glad I popped over. You have a beautiful blog and it's a real joy to browse through your postings.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift of the lovely with us.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

That's a difficult question! Maybe a gingko tree. they get very old, and wise.:)

Love your blog, and will return with a cafe au lait later to read some more of your delightful posts!

Unknown said...

I'd be a Jacaranda they blossom purple flowers in late spring. Wonderful experience after a rain storm.


We Blog Artists said...

Hey Patricia, hope you had a good day...I doubt you're still up.
I would either be a cherry blossom or a silver birch.If I could I'd mix the trunk of the birch and the spring blossom of the cherry tree.
Lovely post...I have sent you an email, I would love you to be featured on out Tell all Tuesdays!
Thanks Patricia.

Elena said...

Hello, Patricia, I am a newcomer. You have a lovely blog here.

I would be a guelder rose. It is a Ukrainian national tree (Kalina in Ukrainian). It has delicate white flowers in spring and rich red berries bunch in autumn and even in winter; sour-sweet to the taste.

modernemama said...

I just wish I could get a laurel to cope with the Long Island winters... if I were a tree - holly, flexible, glossy but prickly

Anonymous said...

I would be an Olive tree.

Unknown said...

I love all your tree posts, and thanks so much for your thoughtful words about our California fires. It's truly terrible. I would be a Magnolia or a Maple, both instantly bring back such memories from childhood--the giant rich glossy green leaves of the Magnolia that we played under and caused us such wonder, or the everyday beautiful red, golden, green, brown Maple leaves falling all around us when we played in the park.