Monday, August 24, 2009

just right

pve design illustration of a "just right" potting shed 2009
When I began this blog, my intent was a "just the right" sort of spot for me to post my thoughts, my art as well as many other countless objectives, too numerous to list. Whilst this has been a wonderful journey to post, to motivate, to inspire, I never imagined the overwhelming support from my readers - and to you I am forever grateful. With each post, the comments, the e-mails, the fan mail and the goodness that you share with me, takes me to such a warm and cozy place. Each of you give me such inspiration, motivation, support, and encouragement. As an artist, some things come just right, and other things take time to get to the just right spot. I do feel a bit like Goldilocks, some posts feel too small and others too big, but your comments are always just right.

I thank each of you for your "just right" comments and knowing that perhaps I have inspired something in each of you to create, design, and live an artful life. Wishing you a "just right" kind of Monday!


Hillary's Brook said...

PVE~ This is my first visit to your site and I have not fully embraced it yet, but I have to thank you for forcing my idea to do the Bloomsbury banner into action. When I saw the lovely drawing/painting of The Kenmore Arms that you did for Lisa, I about died thinking that someone would beat me to the punch on a banner design. I can't wait to read more about you and your efforts, but must say that at a quick glance the images of your daughter swimming pulled at my heart strings. I was an age group swimmer myself and have continued with that community throughout my adult life. Just last night I was at an alumni guard party from my home swim team/pool, complete with {now adults} that I coached myself in my early 20s. I love seeing this in young children, especially because it has brought to me such joy to be part of a world that continues to shape who I am. I hope she keeps swimming! And thanks for the thoughtful comment on my blog.

Mrs. Blandings said...

It is a great place to visit - I'm here every day even if I don't always say "hi." Your work always makes me smile.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Yours is a wonderful blog to visit. I appreciate you continuing to bestow such loveliness upon your visitors!

Anonymous said...

Just like your cozy little house pic. your blog is always warm and inviting. Thank you for sharing with us. I enjoy reading it everytime.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your site. And I like your work. Keep updating it, now i will visit it regularly.


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Joyce said...

Leaving comments here is easy to do my friend. You bring so much joy to our hearts, and add beauty to our day with your art. For all the blessing you hand out I wish many more back at you. xoxo

A French Cloud said...

you are an glad to have stumbled upon your sweet corner of the universe.

The House That A-M Built said...

I started building my house in May last year and from day one I said I would hang a PVE original in my hall, above my little hall stool. A drawing you did of a beautiful room with a piano in it inspired the entire layout of my Great Room. You inspire! I am almost ready to commission! A-M xx

pve design said...

Your home is wonderful, and I for one have enjoyed seeing the work in progress (perhaps more than you)
sans the dust and the daily mess. I look forward to great honor to be a wee part of your home, in a pve design hanging on your brand new cozy wall!

Debra said...

Heart be still~ this is a dream studio to perfection. You know me and these small, special cottages.
Well, you started it all for me. For a year, I would secretly visit-never leaving a comment as I didn't have a blog of my own and I just wasn't sure what was 'appropriate'. After sharing emails and stories-I took the plunge and srarted my blog. You have inspired me each day in my own work. I love pouring that first cup of coffee in the morning and knocking on PvE's door. Please tell us more about this little building you've created here.

pve design said...

This wonderful little building is a "potting shed" -my client may change the color of the doors, I could see them being a lovely blue grey or a wonderful old green, a homestead green.
I would love to have that spot as my ":just right:" studio.
I am so happy that you joined the blog arena and come visit me with your coffee cup. Thank-you friend. Your blog is a wonderful place for me too.

Kwana said...

What a nice post, Patricia. Thanks so much for it and your illustration is just right to go with it. What a cozy spot.

style chronicle said...

PVE- Your blog is "just right." It is the perfect little place to stop off after a long day. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your amazing work. Keep the beautiful posts coming...

erika said...

if it weren't for this 'just right' blog... we wouldn't be around! ;) thanks for the daily inspiration Patricia!!!

Slices of Beauty... said...

'Just right' is just right.
Thank you too.

annechovie said...

Yes, Goldilocks, your blog is "just right"! XO

pve design said...

you are always so kind, so supportive and leave "just the right" comments.
Hope to meet you this year...

Karena said...

As said by others I always visit and try to comment whenever I can. Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day! You always inspire me Patricia.

Lori said...

That is great- It is so nice when your blog feels like home.

home before dark said...

First, I wanted to say how wonderful your comment to Mrs. B was this morning. Generous, supportive, kind. And, then I wanted to say that your own Monday morning message here was typical of your gracious self. Out in virtual world it is often hard to tell who is real and who is pretending to be. I never had that second guess feeling at PVE's place. I think you honestly and heartfully reach out to others to make their lives more artful in every way. I think each of us has the power to be our true selves, boldly and yet with great kindness. You inspire me.

pve design said...

home before dark,
I shall say it again, please come join the blog pool - I know that your blog would be just right by me.
as always, I love your comments.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...


You are always inspiring me with your wit and artistic beauty! Thank you for adding such delight to this world!


Emily said...

Patricia, thank you for your inspiration; catching beauty in the world around you and sharing it with us. You're my far away mentor!

Leciawp said...

Thanks for the daily beauty, inspiration and friendship. xoxo

Millie said...

What a beautiful & thoughtful post Patricia. pve has such honesty & grace about it, & your warm & gentle heart comes through in every post. Thank you.
Millie ^_^

Kelsey B. said...

You have indeed provided much inspiration. Reminding me to enjoy the small beauties that I encounter each and every day - the simplicity of my daughter's laugh, a beautiful shell, a happy home. I will definitely make a lunch date this fall! :)

jae said...

that's what i love about my visits here....there is always inspiration amongst grace and beauty.

Anonymous said...

You know I adore your artwork, but I also keep visiting to get a dose of your goodness and light.

Michele said...

PVE-You have made my humble little potting shed look amazing. My husband will be so excited to receive this as a gift. I always thought the red wheelbarrow was an eyesore, but in your illustration it looks so cute. Thank you!! Any suggestions for the door color would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to see what magic you create with the other illustrations of our home.