Wednesday, August 12, 2009

faithful companions

There are friends, and then there are four legged friends....need I say more.
Nothing like coming home to some unconditional love.
Big sweet eyes, looking for contact!
"Ben" on the left just left for doggy heaven today....the owner told me.
In good company.

Having a good hair day!
Smile for the camera!

Fresh from the groomer.
Faithful companions are nice friends to come home to.


Leciawp said...

This post really made me smile; I remember many of these beautiful illustrations (and have seen photos of them too).

Courtney said...

awwwwwwww opening this page and seeing ole Ollie looking right at me just melted my heart! Look at all these best friends you've lovingly illustrated. So beautiful.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I am swooning.
Handsome Edward.
In such good company!

Nadine @ BDG said...

I love the way you've captured the personalities of each dog. Lovely.

pve design said...

This post made me realize, that I need to draw my own dog!

Debra said...

There's a lovely quote-I'm sure this isn't exact but here goes-"Until one has loved a dog-a part of the heart remains unopenned". I can certainly appreciate all that goes in to capturing the personality of a special, special pet. Did you all have fun last evening?

pve design said...

Yes, we had a wonderful time and it was great to be with one another and chat about Robert and Queen Elizabeth and Amy... Have you read "The Virgin's Lover?"

Melissa C Morris said...

yeah - monty on pve! i will be sure to show him this entry.

Shandell's said...

I am with my dogs all day, life would not be complete with out them.
Love this post.

Mindy Lockard Etiquette said...

Very sweet pve! I hope you had a lovely time with your friends.

Kwana said...

What a sweet post. Makes me feel lucky to have my faithful companion.

A French Cloud said...

a few weeks ago I may not have understood this post--but now, my heart melts for each of these best friends and their moms and dads.

Karena said...

Very inspiring, I used to have a pair of gorgeous Scotties, and miss them so much! I hope to have you do an illustration of my Miss Belle & Isabella soon...

home before dark said...

Such sweetness. Am waiting until my husband retires in a few years for our "next" dog.Until then I am gaga over other's best pals. Thanks for today's "fix."

Dumbwit Tellher said...

The sheep dog made me a wee teary. I had one long ago & miss him. Your illustrations are touching. Xxdeb

Anonymous said...

These are so cute, I need to draw my own dog too. My french mastiff's face has so much expression. I also used to have a sheep dog growing up....such good memories. thanks for sharing these.

Emily said...

Very sweet. They are faithful, aren't they; even when they take back seat to new babies and other changes in the "master's" life. I feel the same way about our feline friends.

Purple Flowers said...

A sweet and happy post about some real cuties!

Dana said...

What a sweet, dear post. You capture their personalities so well. I can't imagine being without my dear little sweetie.

LindsB said...

four legged friends are the best- all of these are so cute!!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

i really miss our 'roger' dog ... i still see him bounding out the lane to greet us ... lying at my feet at breakfast ... keeping me company in the yard and on walks ... nothing like a faithful friend, who with just a smile from you, can give you a wag ...
please do draw your dog for us all to see and admire ... for you to cherish ~

jae said...

this is a wonderful collection of even more wonderful illustrations of "man's" best friends.

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

You have drawn these pets so you can see their personalities Patricia. You are so good at what you do......they are the most faithful of friends. XO

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...

LOVE them all- esp. Monty- just partial to greyhounds and whippets!

Zuniga Interiors

Summer is a Verb said...

Monty!!!What a swanky pic! Hmmm...wheels are a turning...

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

This might very well be one of my favorite posts to-date!

pve design said...

Each of you deserve a"treat" for leaving me and my four legged friends such comments, full of praise!
Good comments are like treats for me!

Anonymous said...

Oh these have captured my heart! I was so excited to see a Bernese Mountain dog! My BMD Gus is my beloved and someday I hope to contact you about capturing his wonderful soul in an illustration.

Until then I will keep enjoying the other sweet furry friends illustrations you have.


Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Love this post! I've only had a dog for a couple of years and it's so nice to have someone who's SO happy to see me walk in the door...even if she only saw me 30 minutes earlier. :-) Unconditional love, indeed.

Unknown said...

Your pictures of the dogs are so lovely and precious. So many of them remind of the dogs my extended family had over the years and of the ones they have now. They have the cutest names, too.

Your work is beautiful and so touching.

Jess Constable said...

Bailey and Winston are undeniably my favorites. They remind me of my family's dog, Mackenzie.

I plan to one day get my own Westie and name her Elsie.

Rebecca said...

Most morning Maddie and Sophie join me when I walk. Sometimes I am down the road a bit before they catch up with me. They are always excited to join me. Maddie being a Golden Retriever likes any water she can find. They she places herself beside me and does the dogie shake. Does she do this with glee, on purpose, or just because she is a dog.

Southern Aspirations said...

Oh I LOVE these!

Anonymous said...

My current delights are our two girls, Gracie and Little Ann. Cattle dogs (McNabb and Australian Shep.)from the same litter, they are unbelievably intelligent and funny. I love them so much it hurts!

My heart goes out to Ben's family. We had to put down our dear old Niko 18 months ago, and it broke our hearts to pieces. He was 14 years old and was 110 pounds of pure love and devotion.