Wednesday, July 22, 2009

feeling jazzy

'feeling jazzy' - pve design illustration
In several previous posts, I mentioned my sojourn to the city for an evening of sketching "live models and live jazz." I found myself feeling jazzy inside and out. I quickly sketched the "live jazz duo" doing their thing, providing great music to sketch to. The end of the songs or sketch periods were followed by rounds of jaunty applause and lively chatter.  The jazzy music and the bar helped for liquidity in loosening one's brush and any awkward feeling one might have about painting live nudes.  Hope this little sketch leaves you feeling jazzy. 
    Have a jazzy wednesday.


Debra said...

Feelin' very jazzy this morning-just see my post! Very snazzy-jazzy illustration.

Pretty Neat Designs said...

Your illustrations are jazzy indeed. And also quite snazzy.

Prairie Girl Studio said...

i particularly love the guitarist feet ... bouncing away to the beat! i can just tell how much fun you must have had doing this ... yay pve!
groovin and jazzin ~

Summer is a Verb said...

Up all night with a very sick kitty. Think my jazzy plans for a Weds at the pool are evovling into a less than jazzy visit to the vet followed by a day inside playing nursemaid...XXOO

Kwana said...

How fun! You can tap your feet to this sketch.

Deidra said...

I saw that jazzy illustration and was transported to Zanzibar Blue - a cool little jazz club underground in Philadelphia. Great times and great memories.

Joyce said...

Shhh... I think I can hear the music. One of my favorite music is Jazz, so I'm off to jazz-ercise on the treadmill. xoxo

annechovie said...

How fun! I am crazy about live jazz.

littlebyrd said...

This looks wonderful!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Incredible! Feeling jazzy now too.
Xx deb

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having a bar and live jazz while sketching nudes. I didn't like how quite my life drawing classes were. very akward if its too quite.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I'm all jazzed up now!

Swetha said...

i love this sketch!! its great!

Slices of Beauty... said...

Now feeling jazzy inside-out!
Thank you Pve.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love love love that jazzy picture! Nothing better then alittle liquid and jazz. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I feel like I can hear the jazz when I look at your illustration! I really enjoy live jazz. I even have a cat named "Jazzy" because she dances across the room, she never just walks and she's always moving, at least a little bit!


72 and sunny said...

jazz is the perfect soundtrack to hot summer afternoons. A beautiful illustration!

Anonymous said...

Love it, really. Patricia, your live sketching is amazing. You are a master at capturing the essential, the most charming lines.