
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

laugh in

I am laughing and I hope you are too.  I had a lot of laughs yesterday and this morning I noticed a few less wrinkles and a softer heart.
How about these fine ladies knitting and keeping us in stitches, "punks not dead" and "thug for life" - I found this fun work of art, Bansky is an international street artist whose work keeps me in stitches.  
Do you take time to monkey around, time to laugh?
What would your sweater say?  Put a little laugh in your day, now.


  1. I live with a little monkey- My newish dog Zetta! She is a little firecracker too;Exasperating and hilarious- riotous even-But always keeps me smiling. la

  2. I love that monkey.
    It did make me laugh.
    My husband used to have a shirt with one of the flying monkeys from Oz on it. It said "To The Emerald City As Fast As Lightning". That always made me laugh as well.

  3. Banksy absolutely rocks Patricia, in that very quirky way only the Brits can pull off. We've done a lot of laughing behind the Hedge this week, as it's practical joke season & all the boys are outdoing themselves this year. However, as always MOTH will have the last laugh, mark my words!
    Millie ^_^

  4. The knitting ladies are cracking me up!

    After work yesterday my husband and I hung out with our seventeen year old daughter who has got to be the funniest person we know. I laughed so hard my sides were aching and I had to gasp for air. It was great fun!

  5. I love the monkey too! Very cute. Enjoy your golden day!! xoxo

  6. Laughter is the medicine of the soul! Delightful post!

  7. We have lots to learn from the monkeys!!! Damn little mirrors!

  8. Laughter is a good hubby keeps me in stiches.

  9. My sweater would say "srsly"

    Great pictures!

  10. I love that monkey in the commercial (funny, can't remember the product!) with the knowing look in his eyes and that mouth smirk that says, "I am smarter than you are."

    Off the point, I saw your post on ArchitectDesign about recycling and it made me think the PVE look would look smashing on shopping/recycle bags. What do you think?

  11. I try and laugh through the hard times. Getting together with my knitting friends sure helps.

  12. These are so cute...thanks for the great reminder, Patricia! XO

  13. my last really really good belly laugh, the kind where you're bent over clutching your stomach, was on vacation with my sister last week. we can get it going over the ever-so-slightest thing. love the monkey.

  14. Very cute - esp thug for life :) Don't mess with the grandmas!

  15. I adore the cool grannies. Banksy is a firm favourite, if I could put anyone in a documentary, he would be first choice. Alas he's so anonymous.

    By the way, I saw your gift for Lisa, just lovely.

  16. Mine would say... form over function ~ I'm a designer dammit! Makes me laugh... prolly no one else :) Nice post!


  17. oh my gosh, those sweaters are too funny! love the thugs one :)

  18. I had a big day of laughing yesterday too and truely noticed the difference in myself. See the Hangover and you'll leave the theater 10 YEARS younger!

  19. OMG that little old lady pic is cracking me up!

  20. Gosh, I love a good laugh and even though times are grim around here my husband and I have a great humorous connection and lot's of jokes go round. On top we have the funniest kids and they make us laugh so often. Our nine year old son imitates people, known and not so known, plays with words, we are laughing tears!
    They treat us to shows since they were little, always hilarious!
    About that t-shirt...mine could say: cranium blogus...

  21. I think I play around too much - it is easy with my kids around. My sweater would say "get to work" - as a reminder to myself.

    Such cute old ladies! Great monkey too!

  22. Laughter is indeed so good for our souls! My 24 year old son and I had lunch yesterday and he has such a funny personality and we shared many laughs during our time together. The BEST!

  23. Love your site. Do check out mine. How do you keep up with all your followers?

    Blessings, Princess Ayo

  24. These are hilarious and I agree Banksey is pretty genius.
