
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

laced into

A family heirloom lace, tatted by my Grandmother.
I think I might frame my lace - something like this.
Having read "The Lace Reader" and opening up a box of heirloom lace items given to me by my Mother -I would love to have the ability to read the lace and see what secrets would be revealed.  I also wonder what it must be like to know how to make lace let alone read lace. 

Funny, on my wedding day we had gone to visit my Grandmother (in the hospital, in my wedding dress) and she only had eyes for my brother - It was as though she "paid no never mind" to me but when I spoke to my Mother from our honeymoon, she told me that Grandma thought my dress could have had some lace.  I always loved the clean minimal look and felt to "gussied" up in lace, but now I am thinking that I could be laced into some lace.  How about you?  Are you seeing the secret of lace?  What do you think of lace?


  1. I am a lace lover as well. have always wanted to learn to make lace, although there seem to be fewer and fewer around to teach it. i also love that display idea. :)

  2. I am not really a fan of lace, but I was drawn to this post from the sidebar on another blog - when I saw the thumbnail of lace, it look like an intricate little piece of art. I love the idea of framing lace.

  3. Liason,
    I do hope that you learn to create some lace, there must be someone there or on-line perhaps a source for you to tat, or crochet...
    see you in the fishbowl....

    I know, like I said, I thought I never really was that much a lace fan, but now, I am finding I think I need a little lace...could be all this rain.

  4. I saw this article too and thought it was a great idea, to dust off the box and bring on the lace. Another idea I have seen is sewing them together to make a table runner.

    Your special lace is a beauty Patricia! I love the green behind it and the butterflies.

    I have a few special ones I have tucked away given to me from special people some have passed away. My mom use to do a little of this before it got hard on her eyes. It is an skilled art and probably a dying one.

  5. I love your lace and agree it would look beautiful framed. As for me, I prefer clean lines and not too much "fluff."

    I enjoyed the retelling of your visit to your grandmother on your wedding day. I was married in the '80s at the height of Princess Diana envy. My dress was HUGE! Puffy and lacy and beaded with a huge bow on my posterior. Sometimes I wish for a re-do...on the dress, not the marriage.

  6. I am part British and the love of lace I think comes from that side of my family. It is incredible to see the wonderful work that was done back then. I too have a box of keepsakes. I will have to visit them tonight.

  7. Deidra,
    Check back again as I have a surprise for lace or bows, but something close to your heart.

  8. Shandell's-
    show us your keepsakes - I know you will come up with something unique to showcase them...

  9. Lace on a hankie or table linens I love. Anything more I have yet to grow into. Maybe an aquired taste for lace? XXOO

  10. Oh yes! I love it. I have a two drawers in my sewing space dedicated to all the bits and pieces I've gathered. Your family hierloom piece is amazing! I really like the idea of framing it.

  11. The lace maker! It's a wonderful Vermeer, and I'm sure you know it. Making lace does seem to be a dying art form. However, at Style Redux in a story about ascot hats, I'm sure that little black number is made from tatting! Sorry about the grandmother who couldn't see straight. Similar moments with my paternal grandmother were some of my earliest introduction to how I became a feminist! Hope those prefer boys over girls moments are in the dust bin as I fear many of these lace items are, too.

  12. Lace! so fragile yet so strong too!

  13. What did you think of the Lace Reader? My mom just gave me her copy and I'm planning to take it on our trip to Italy next week.

  14. I love the framed lace display. My mother used to crochet the most beautiful lace until it became too big a strain on her eyes. It's a skill I've never had the patience to master, though.

  15. Normally I think it is a bit frou frou, however used in decor and framed beautifully is wonderful. A great way to preserve heirlooms.

  16. I said the same thing this weekend to my husband...I have this old doilie that my teenage boyfriend's grandmother made for me; I've never known what to do with it. She used a darker green on the very edge, and a lighter green before the white center. Love this one for it's symmetry. Great solution! It's going to look lovely.

  17. That lace display sounds like a beautiful idea. That piece with the butterflies looks like a piece of bobbin lace. It is lovely! :)

  18. Not my thing! but if we all like the same stuff the world would be a dull place!
    xoxo M

  19. I must say that I came to lace late in life. I now admire the delicate white lace and the framing is very tasteful. If I bought any though, it would have to be black and in the form of a choker, harkening back to Victorian or chic goth influences. I found a great tatted lace person on etsy that I can forward you the link to.

    Told you I'd check online more often ;)

  20. Oh, you should definitely frame your lace. How pretty it looks in that photo. Funny, such an old-fashioned creation, but framed like that it has a rather contemporary effect. Beautiful.

    I have seen The Lace Reader but have not read it. Is it good??

    And I remember your gorgeous wedding dress from a photo you posted. I respectfully have to disagree with your grandmother. It was divine just the way it was.

  21. Lovely lace pieces displayed. Your piece appears to say (circle of life as a social butterfly) just beautiful.
    I love lace in it's place. It's a way to add a feminine touch...when there isn't a fabric competition going on. The library should have great old books on the subject.


  22. Like a lot of things - I realize how wonderful they are after the fact. I wish I had lace at my wedding but back then I thought it all too fussy. Now...I adore lace and my favourite skirt is lace, xv.

  23. love the look of the framed lace. i think that's how i'd have it displayed in my home. how was the book?

  24. I've never been a lace person but after reading The Lace Reader I'm now rethinking it. I did have touches on my dress that I hand sewed on top. I'll appreciate it more now.

  25. I like a touch of lace. I think it exudes gracefulness and femininity.

  26. Purple Flowers,
    funny, I was going through my closet and I was actually surprised to see the amount of lace garments I had, a pair of lace pants sent to me by my sister, a lace shirt I bought in Paris, a chocolate lace shirt bequeathed to me from a dear friend.
    Who knew!

  27. Read lace? I didn't know that lace told a story. I have a lot from my Grandma and Great Grandma's perhaps even great aunts. There are big pieces and even lacy ribbon. I just don't know who made each piece. Now I am curious to learn more about lace. I like the pic of the framed lace too. Fascinating post!

  28. I've never really had a thing with lace, but when I found two things from my Grandmas house when she passed away I fell in love with the history of them. I dont actually know the history but they were in a box, at her house and because of that I love them.

  29. I never use to be into lace. When I was wedding dress shopping I always said no anything with lace, but now that I see it more and more I'm starting to enjoy it more and more and love the idea of framing it.

  30. so beautiful! I've never thought of or heard of framing lace, but what a brilliant idea. I'm going to have to dig through my box of things from my Grandmother and see what I might want to frame...

  31. I am not a lace person- that said, I love the look of the lace framed in black. Seems an interesting modern twist to it.

  32. I think lace is fantastic, if done correctly. Love the way those pieces have been framed. Very elegant!

  33. Lace has had a comeback in the last few years. I have seen a beautiful lampshade with lasercut lace and in such moments I really like it, ( still can't bring my self to use it in it's original intension on the coffee table, sideboard or TV!!!!) The good thing is I can use it in smallest doses, in my bread basket or when I play with white on white fabrics.
    They are such work, my mother had once a time she used to (German) kloeppel such lace. On a pillow, with wooden pins...
    They can be beautiful to look at!

  34. Just found this huge oversized lace pattern on another bloggers design site. Its used as a headboard behind a bed and looks quite modern. Neat huh?!

  35. what a lovely piece of lace and heritage you have to cherish! i have been infatuated by lace ... doilies, runners, table cloths and pillow edgings for a number of years. my mom, when she was able would so graciously take each one and launder them by hand and lay them out to dry and press them to perfection for me. i use them throughout my home and looking at them reminds me of a quieter, more contemplative time ... a touch of femininity in my house full of fellas!
    you may find this idea for displaying lace intriguing ~
    happy day ~

  36. Oh, you HAVE to frame it! It's fabulous!! Talk about a lost art.

  37. That wall arrangement of framed lace pieces is gorgeous!

  38. beautiful lace - have that book on cd ready to listen to this summer - it was one of our book group books that i never got to this winter
