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Nothing could be finer than some shades, a hat, and umbrella, and a stack of books. Every time Summer rolls around, my stack of books stands at the ready - even if my trips to the beach are day trips or jaunts to my local pool club. Where there is time, you will find me tucked inside my book, a bit of knitting and sketching galore.
What is on your summer shelf of books to read?
I am so trying to be better organized! I just posted several books that I plan to read on All the Best today!
thanks, I have added your books to my summer stash to read, as well as organize my home office.
Good morning P:
Right now I am reading The Soloist by Steve Lopez...a quick read and heartwarming!
I'm reading The Last Lecture right now and it is a good one! I am recommending it to everyone I know, man, woman, old, young. So many life lessons. While it's not your typical summer beach read, it's an easy read, with stand-alone chapters: perfect for pool-side reading bc you can stop at any point.
How do you keep your knitting safe while poolside?
Thanks for the book.
I will look into "The Last Lecture"- thanks!
As for knitting, it all happens under an umbrella, with other knitters for company as well as rescue remedy.
knitters seem to find one another, one yarn after the next - we meet under an umbrella, in the shade!
Hi Patricia,
I used to have a reading list and read about 2-3 books a week. Now with blogging, I am down to about 1-2 a month. Hopefully I will get in a few of your choices this summer. They look great.
If I can find a way to stay awake to read at night, I'd love to read at least one book this summer. Perhaps one on how to stay sane during 75 days of round the clock kid activities?
I'm reading Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Was recommended but I'm just starting it. I think Glamour magazine does a summer beach list and I always picked a few from there.
I can't wait to read the joy and discovery on the faces of my children. There's nothing like watching them see and experience something for the first time. Imagine watching the waves crashing in on little toes. Pure bliss!
Patricia, may I humbly recommend my forthcoming novel,THE FIXER UPPER as a fun beach read? It's out next week from HarperCollins. Would love to send you a copy...
For the first time a long time I don't have a book list and am feeling a little lost! Reading by the pool with your knitting and sketches sounds just delightful.
Right now I have a stack of books to get through! I'm reading the Beach Club by Elin Hildebrand right now--very summery!
I am starting to read Kiss of a Dolphin by Tom Tuohy. He is the founder of Dreams for Kids. In a couple of weeks we will be volunteering at our beach as the kids arrive for a day of fun.
Enjoy your golden day! xoxo
I've been rereading books that I already have on my bookshelves. It amazes me how reading the same book at different points in your life gives you an entirely new perspective on the story.
I haven't made a list - thanks for the reminder! I'll look back through your comments at the end of the day to see what others are reading...
I am reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Stout. It's set in Maine so I think that counts as cool. You can read a chapter at a time life overflows. Love the idea of your knitting by the pool. Illustration on the way? Your word verifications seem like mysteries revealed. Today I am "imasquad." I'm past car pooling, but I think this word sums it up!
That is a great pic. I re-read To Kill A Mockingbird every summer - and have been since childhood. It's a little better each year.
I am in California for the month, and rarely watch tv while I am out here. I have been plowing through my books and had to put in an order at Amazon to bring in reinforcements!
Here is what is on my list this month:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (re-reading it for the first time in 20 years - what an amazing book)
The Third Angel
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
American Wife (enjoyed this one)
Sarah's Key
Summer Sisters (definitely a beach book)
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
One or two more that are in the trunk of the car...
I used to read all the time. Now between making our silk arrangements, photographing them, Twitter, and READING BLOGS, there is not much time left. I am always searching for balance in my life, but it seems to be evading me right now. I am having an awfully good time though!
ok i'll admit it... i got "sucked" into the twilight series. i swore i wasn't going to read books 3 or 4 when 2 wasn't that great. but my neighbor had it, let me borrow it, and now i'm almost done. and they say 4 is the best, so i'll be lured to read that one. then i'll progress to something more intellectual. promise.
I am reading Breaking Dawn (4th Twighlight book) surprisingly good and my 10 year old thinks I am so hip! My Sister's Keeper great too but have tissues on hand.
I am in awe of all the books each of you are reading or in hopes to read...
My Mom loved (The Geurnsey ....) and she loved Mr.Pip- She reads and is in her 80's and is full of info!
I need to make my summer reading list! Maybe I'll just take a look at your book spines and copy yours.
I shall send you a list of Summer Reads!
Thanks as always for your comments-
This looks like a great list, summer reading is indeed the best. I love to take a book and glass of iced tea and sit on the back porch, heaven.
I think that I shall have to tuck into biographies, a pleasure I haven't indulged in a while. Just finished one on an early female race car driver, next might be Mother Theresa, who was she, really? I am inspired by those who take their lives in a direction unlike others.
- The Love of A Good Woman, Alice Munro
- The Stranger, by Albert Camus
-A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith (again)
-The Life of Pi, Yann Martel
And whatever else suits my fancy!
oh my ... i am so impressed as always with what you accomplish ... both at work and play ...good for you!
enjoy enjoy ~
I have Shanghai Girls on my list..which is much longer than I care to admit!
I've added The Lace Reader to my summer list - thank you for sharing your reading pleasures!
This summer I am reading I Am David, by Anne Holm. It is a great story of the courage, beauty and noble character of a boy who was raised in a Nazi concentration camp. It is juvenile fiction but I recommend it to anyone over the age of 12.
Pve, do you do your own photography? If you do, you do great. I think I need to invest in a good camera for posting my art. Thank you for sharing.
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