
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A "what-not" shelf in my bathroom is home to an a collection of fragrances and snippets of things brought home from a place and a time.  The framed "dunes" scene was bought on Summer vacation on Block Island by the artist Connie Fiedler and the little boy fountain brought back from Brussels.  I love sitting paintings on shelves and an array of  bottles.

Do you have a what-not shelf in your home and what trifles stand on display?


  1. I have a 'what-not' house! By the way... not sure you remember but I asked for advice on what to do with an elevator in our house a few months back and yours was my fav response, to cover it with family pictures. Well, I am taking it one step farther and (bc of fire codes) painting the walls with a magnetic paint and then going to let the kids put pictures and artwork and well, 'what-nots' all over. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Funny-I posted a shelf of a cupboard this morning- with a tiny bottle of Lily-of-the-Valley. I love using shelves and have several through-out the house.
    China collecetions, small paintings, 'this and that' know~'what not'.

  3. We have that green bottle on our bathroom shelf too...although our's is a frosted green.

  4. Yes, I have lots and lots of little shelves, way to many and they don't look quite as neat as yours! They should though.

  5. In the kitchen I have some vintage pieces i.e. silver, rolling bin and old menu. In the basment on one shelf vintage s/p growing up, small vintage tin and coffee scoop. Plus my ribbon shelf in the basement with new,and a few vintage ribbons. That is it for the "what-not". Enjoy your golden day my friend! xoxo

  6. I love the clean lines and organized look of your what not shelf. I don't have one but feel inspired to get one!

  7. I have several what-nots, and on one of my shelves is the adorable little wooly lamb you sent me! Hope you're having a good week!

  8. I guess my entry table is a what-not. I just put what I like there. I think I need to make a what not shelf though. Maybe in the bedroom.

  9. My bookshelves are a mish-mash of collections, trip momentos, art, books, gifts. I will post an image or two!

  10. What a lovely composition :)

  11. Your shelf is lovely....I need a shelf of "what nots"!

  12. what not the only place I have my small treasures...when you migrate from country to can only take a few prized posessions...I have a Japanese blue and grey bowl my mother gave me, and a glass owl which was blown in England about half a Century ago(also from my Mother), a little white box containing a china doll tea-set my Grandma had as a child...and a beautiful Flower which is made from different types of hardwood(and is a puzzle too-our girls adore it)...
    Take care and have a wonderful the new Blog design by the way...very fresh!

  13. I love that you added little artwork in there. So pretty!

    Thanks for your comment about Anita on my blog! I am going to see her today and I will let her know you said Aloha. Small world!

  14. I dont have a specific shelf, but there are lots of areas in my house that are what-not areas- I tend to collect lots of things and move the collections around from time to time. I love your shelf, the artwork is beautiful!

  15. What a great way to show some of your favorite things that bring back great memories.

  16. I don't - I fear I am such a minimalist that I border on stark...

  17. I do have shelves in my bathroom with many bottles of perfume by Gaultier (women torso with different corsets) and a picture of a nude female torso taken by me in a workshop. A few books placed horizontally and a tropical shell on top. Not sure if it is a What-Not but it is a very pleasing vignette.
