Sarah S. Stilwel illustrated this delightful girl with bunches of grapes.
She has a look of "Would you care for a grape?" I adore her white dress with low slung belt.
My Mother graciously taught us of the importance "to share." "The more you share, the more comes back to you."
These lovely girls donning large floppy bows are out picking flowers for a bouquet.
They look as if they are sharing silently with nature. I am enamored with the sweet faces amidst all those delightful blooms.
Take time to share with someone today.
Happy Weekend to each of you.
These two illustrations are enchanting. I think the first girl is about sharing, and the second illustration is about serenity.
Thank you for sharing!
Live by that, thanks for sharing too PVE!
These illustrations are so serene and dreamy.
Have a lovely weekend!
Purple Flowers,
Yes, sharing and serenity should go hand and hand!:)
glad you live by this too...
Miss you, hope you are well and busy painting!
lovely weekend to you!
Thanks for sharing, beautiful pictures I love the top one the most. Have a wonderful weekend.
Sarah's illustrations are so touching & soothing. The first photo honestly reminds me of a photo of my mother. She & her sister always had those huge bows in their hair in the 30's. My grandmother made sure they always looked like sweet young ladies. Very, very special as my mom is now suffering from terminal cancer. Thank you for sharing today.
How adorable! This is my first visit to your blog...your artwork is amazing!!!
m ^..^
If we learn to share when we are young, it makes it so much easier when we are grown.
There is something so whimsical and innocent about little girls in white! Thank you for sharing.
What sweet, beautiful illustrations! Thanks for sharing them and the great message. Have a wonderful weekend!
PvE~ I love the paintings you have here to share. Thank you for your kind wishes. It's been a day filled with all kinds of adventure and activity-and it's not over yet.
Those images bring back memories of my childhood when I was in a garden eating some grapes and enjoying the time I spent eating grape by grape in a hot summer day.
"The more you share, the more comes back to you!" I love this so true statement and plan to teach my 16 month old daughter this very important value in life.
The little girls in white are so adorable - beautiful illustrations with so much charm.
Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures. I love the second with those dreamy girls.
Such a lovely post, such a lovely set of painting, such a lovely and generous person you are to feature this artist and send visitors and good wishes to others,
Tricia - Avolli
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