
Sunday, May 24, 2009


There is something about a path that causes one to reflect whilst looking ahead.
This path found me, on a walk with a friend.  The sounds of nature, the stillness of our thoughts captured  our artist eyes and left us speechless.  Nothing to do but proceed ahead.

When did you realize that you were on the path of your dreams as an artist and creator?
Finding our path and realizing our path makes the journey more fun.  Are you lost and do you need a pathfinder to realize your dreams?


  1. When a full day of sketching became more fulfilling than my more-than-full-time job ever was.
    There were periods of time when there was no exchange of illustration for cash-and still- I was happier, more relaxed, more content and ever so much better for my family. What a glorious path~

  2. Debra,
    Can you imagine this path is just North of the bustling city. Nature can take one away - just as our art can provide immediate travel. enjoy!

  3. What I love about this life is the seasons. Having the opportunity to try different things. Fulfill different dreams. I love that the path has twists and turns and bends. Hills and valleys make me stronger along the way.

  4. Still looking for my path, so Yes i need a pathfinder!
    But i think i am one of those people who don't have a path and wonder around life searching for something they will never find.
    Can always do a one man comedy show ;)

  5. I think our paths are constantly winding and changing, forever keeping us engaged, surprised, bewildered, curious and oftentimes inspired. If the path were too straight or predictable, it probably wouldn't be that interesting of a journey.

  6. Such thought provoking responses. I do think we now live many lives with our paths going in directions we never could have imagined.We have to be true to our inner voice and break loose whether walking, running, or biking down that path.

  7. Love this post. Reminds me of my runs through nature. So freeing & wonderful to be at peace & attune to all that nature has to offer. Thanks for the post! Best!

  8. Yes so lost and not sure of my path. Gorgeous picture!!

  9. I love discovering a new walking path - and the one you found is beautiful! I love making up stories on paths - I love wandering, wondering where it will lead. Life's paths tend to carry much more hesitancy and fear for me - I need to look at these the same and abandon all fear!!

  10. My path has had many turns and detours and when I stopped resisting that- I was truly happy.
    Flexibility, openness, and objectivity now accompany me on my journey. Because of that I have had unexpected opportunities and adventures!
    Love the pic and imagine the walk was lovely. Also love the pic of you at Wave Hill :)

  11. Beautiful.
    Found my path and it's amazing how the its unfolding right before my eyes. Need courage to keep exploring though.
    Thank you, luv this post.

  12. Paths... Make me think of Robert Frost's poem about the choosing the path less taken.

  13. I'm not lost, but I don't think I've found *the* path for me. The one I'm on is quite beautiful... I can't imagine what that my perfect path will look like.
