freshly laundered, new beach towels to bring on summer
Summer beach towel from TJmaxx
Summmer is a verb inspired me to set off and scout for some new beach towels as she professed her style obsession with an HERMES beach towel. Not that she has one, but if she did it would be her "beach babe."
I popped over to one of my favorite spots and immediately fell in love with these bright and cheery paisley plush beach towels. Generous in proportion 40 in x 70 in (102 cm x 178 cm) and for a mere $12.oo - the label reads "PERI" and I am just dancing at the savings. I do admire the Hermes towels, but at *$530 - I am saving a bundle for the kids savings and more art supplies.
*My dear daughter just spotted the new paisley towels and she screamed "Mom, you bought the $530 dollar towels" - and I exclaimed yes dear, so there will be no camp for you! lol.

beach towel good humor - from Target!
I spotted this fun towel over at Target which I thought was clever. There's plenty of room on the beach, so throw down your towel and tell us all about it. What does your beach babe look like?
Those are great towels. I love the new Vera Bradley towels also fun,bright colors. I usually get my towels from Costco because they are more like a blanket than a towel.
Are the German towels fun or frau like?
great! love the look....and the store!
Very fun! I, like Frau, have a collection of costco beach towels; they're pretty, heavyweight, and can double as a blanket at the park or wherever - I have one in the trunk of both vehicles all summer long.
Jewel tone vertical stripes; love it! It has seen many a beach days.
I think I may check out out TJ Maxx- love that color orange!
...Hello color explosion. FAB FAB FAB!!! Love your new towels.
There is something about Costco that makes me crazy. Perhaps the carts and that everyone looks like they are shopping for the last time. I commend you.
Love vertical stripes too.
I am pleased as punch with my new towels.:)
Suzie would be pleased too. I paid the mortgage first and then me.
Those towels are gorgeous! I love the colors and think thry look worth $590. So there.
PVE~ I'm off to TJMaxx today to look for new beach towels-thanks for the tip! The colors in your towels remind me of the gorgeous illustration you did for Style Court. Glad everyone is home safe and sound.
I love them! You have such a great eye. What good finds. Love the line. "No camp for you." So funny.
I sure got my first smile this morning imagining your daughters face! Smile.... I LOVE the towels, very pretty and fun! We use a lot of them for our beach and boating with friends.
I will check these out and the ones at Costco too. Agree with you on Costco...something dreadful about that place. My current beach towels are in such a state they may take away my beach privileges.
We lived near the beach when our kids were younger and spent our entire summers there. I still use the beach towels we bought for them (from K-Mart) all those years ago. And they still look great!
Memorial Day is just nineteen days away and the pools will be open! Yay!
Hate Costco. Hard to maneuver around all the folk snacking their way around the store trying the samples. Why do they always leave their carts in the middle of the aisle??
LOVE the beach towels..TJ's & Homestore, perfect for towels. I hoping for some black & white striped babies!
Oh those are really fun -so pretty! ANd you're right, they look just like the Hermes ones! I have a striped one with fun bright colors from RL.
I am going to check out TJ Maxx as well! I love Hermes, but really those prices! I imagine very few can justify that. What happens when they fade in the wash after a sandy day at the beach!
Spectacular towels! I've always been a fan of yellow or red and white striped ones, but think I'd chuck it all in for one of those paisley numbers!
I keep threatening to haul along an Oriental rug to use, but Mrs. E. won't have it.
Yes, the Hermes towel is beautiful, but I cannot see paying even $100 for a beach towel....I love your find - TJ Maxx has some great deals if you're willing to hunt. The Target towel cracked me up! Great post.
Fabulous! I looooove the colors.
Fun!! And so pretty. Think I might have to sneak off to TJMaxx or Marshalls today. Thanks for the tip!
pretty towels and perfectly folded to match the floral paisley from towel to towel, its the details! Moses is framed and in a place of honor-see todays post. thanks again.G
I need you to go back and get a few more for me, as you may know we are Target and TJ Max empty here in Canada. These are seriously gorgeous towels and glad the kids can go to camp this must be a really good mom!
Those are fantastic towels! So bright and beautiful!
haha, love the answer you gave your daughter- thats great!
Beautiful towels, I'd love the Hermes ones too, but they are kinda outta the budget like you said.
Thanks for your comment and welcome to pve!
Please join the fun, begin a blog and share your amusement with design. I love it.
Oooh, PAtricia..I have a summer cabana by the sea...I need this towel! Heading to Target!
Hahahaaa! That's so funny that your daughter thought you were lured into spending a fortune on beach towels!!! You need to send her over here to keep me in check! I'm sure Babe would gladly finance that proposition. That's the down side of this blog...everything I buy is out there for him to see! XXOO
ps love your paisleys...
Now surely there are some benefits to having root canals, little get well gifts always make me feel so much better. Glad you approve of the paisleys!
it is 100 in LA today..i wish I was in the pool!!
Great find - I love bargains! :)
If anyone see those towels ANYWHERE please let me know! I have been seaching high and low them and have not had any luck. I saw this towel on the beach in DE and asked the girl who had it where she got it and she said TJ MAXX and I searched the internet and found your picture of them. I WANT 1 so bad....
Kelly Mikula
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