
Saturday, March 07, 2009

weekend waffles

I love my waffle maker, my green bowl with the tiny chip and my hand-painted cookie jar. I painted this years ago and the lid has a crack but I love it so.
Things made from scratch make me happy and make my life feel simpler.
It slows me down.

Waffles are ready. Come and get' em. So easy to make, the recipe was from The JOY of cooking.

Weekend mornings were made for waffles, shaved dark chocolate, powdered sugar, and nutella. I think Granola and yogurt is on the menu for Sunday.
Care to share your weekend morning menu?


  1. That looks so good! I must be honest I'am one of those people who skips breakfast.

    Have a nice weekend!


  2. M-
    Normally, I am a "skipper" of breakfast, but I know that is a bad habit, so I try to eat a banana, a yogurt and a handful of raisins too. After all, I have to set an example for my family to follow.

  3. Yummyyyyy!!! I adore waffles and nutella. All that I had this morning was some toast with nutela...or was it the other way around?? Ah yeaah, and a cup of tea and an espresso.

  4. Weekends are the only times I may have a real breakfast- steel cut oatmeal and fruit. During the week- it's usually a fruit and a few nuts. But waffles with Nutella... how decadent! Your kids must love this!

  5. CT-
    I also love having some sort of fish when I am in Europe, herring, smoked salmon or mackeral.
    love your blog.

    yes, you are good to the core, eating your oats! I too love oats, or warm porridge
    but I can relate to the three little bears I have, it is either too hot, too cold and I never seem to get it right.
    My mother gave us oats a lot!

  6. Ronda,
    do hope you are on the mend.
    jet lag is no fun.

  7. Looks good sis. Hub-bub fixed my breakfast this morning and it was a very strengthening one - won't need a bite till dinner - of egg, taters, toast and the crowning glory of son #1's spieza, the family fave.

  8. Oh so yummy PVE! With my husband being gone for awmost 6 weeks, I must say that life is pretty quiet around here and I don't cook for me...I'll hop in the car and be right over!

    I usually have greek yogurt, ezekiel cereal and blueberries or bananas, maybe some craisins and raw almonds.

    Don't ever skip's what gets your metabolism started for the day. (In my previous life, I spent 17+ of them in fitness and nutrition!).


  9. Patricia, do you have room for one more around the table? Your waffles look so... mmm... good!
    When I do eat breakfast (quilty of not all the time) I usually have oatmeal, fruit or a protein shake. The weekend we splurge a bit more.

    Have a golden weekend!xoxo

  10. Ah I love a weekend breakfast! My go to on Sundays is this chocolate brioche recipe...

  11. Breakfast is my favourite meal. And, I'm beyond fortunate, because that's the meal my husband makes each morning. Admittedly, it's usually sourdough toast and fruit, along with his wonderful coffee, but on Sunday it's pancakes! I feel so lucky to wake up to the smell of coffee each and every day. Funny, I really don't care much about lunch and dinner, but cannot skip breakfast!

  12. I JUST five minutes ago finished cleaning up from a Belgian waffle breakfast! Alexi makes the batter the night before, as it involves yeast.

  13. Love the fact that it makes your life simpler and makes you slow down. We often don't think of that kind of slowing down as a good thing. Great reminder.

    We just had piping hot coffee, scrambled eggs, biscuits with cheddar cheese and butter, and maple bacon! I think I just gained 10 lbs.--and it was worth it!

    I think I'll have another cup of coffee now. Care to join me?

  14. Your waffles look divine! I'm always too sleepy to cook a nice breakfast in the mornings, so I often have breakfast for supper. I haven't had much luck with my waffle maker though. It's supposed to be nonstick but it sticks anyway :(

  15. Yummy! Makes for a perfect weekend.

  16. My favourite breakfast is always the same. Eggs and toast, and on the weekends, with potatoes :)

  17. Oh, I haven't made waffles in so long...I'm going to next weekend for the boys :)

    Who wouldn't love a place at that homey.

  18. It must be a waffle day... we had them this morning too.. I almost broke out the Nutella but didn't.. but shaved dark chocolate.. now that sounds like a dream... hope you are having a great weekend!

  19. I'll take one with nutella and whipped cream please, YUMM!! Weekend mornings I lay in bed eating tea & toast and catching up on tivo and magazines -but I'd definitely get up for a waffle!

  20. Yum! We love breakfast at our house... Saturday mornings are either: Batter Blaster pancakes -or- scrambled cheese eggs, bacon, grits, toast -or- carry out biscuits and gravy from our favorite little place!
    Now you've gone and made me hungry!
