
Friday, March 13, 2009

fab friday - golden giveaway

"hummingbird cake" that I baked and adorned with simple paper umbrellas for a golden gal
At last - another fab friday has arrived to reflect upon, to give thanks for golden neighbors, family and friends who deserve to be honored.  I baked this "hummingbird cake" for a dear friend and neighbor who lives by the golden rule.  I wish my sister were here to have a piece.
She celebrated her birthday on monday.  Last I checked, the celebration was still going on.

an artful home -honoring others creations
Celebrate and treat others as you want to be treated is such a great way to live.  Living a life with simplicity, gratitude and logic that we all need to get along and perhaps live more fully with a little less.  

golden wishes to the birthday gal!

Living with less, but so much more.  
Meet Sue, my neighbor and golden gal.  

collection of objects and paintings to bring joy
We met at the bus stop.  It was a mix of her wonderful Australian accent along with her cutting edge hair, highlighted by her sunny smile, that I knew she was someone I would love to get to know so she joined our circle of diversity, knitting (not strictly knitting, needlework) once a week over a quick lunch.  

golden gifts, some home-made olive bread, roasted nuts, hand-stamped notes, a book for an avid reader along with a chic tote to gather art supplies

Nothing fancy, just time to stop and share our golden and not so golden days. 

A room with a view, her husband makes these great tables from found wood
We open our homes, treat one another as we would like to be treated, knit good things, share some nourishment and exchange tips, provide support, encouragement and cajole with one another.   It is thanks to Sue, that today who shared a great site for living a life of zen.  

Leave me a comment on how living with less has given you more.  I will randomly choose one winner to send this book - "The Power of Less" written by Leo Babauta.
Of course, there will be something golden included in the envelope.  


  1. What a thoughtful post P. I think I would like to join this knitting group! We moved from a 13 room home to a very tradional cape, much smaller. We super-down-sized. I have passed on and regifted items, giving to many with much less and hopefully 'passed' it forward. Less really is more-fewer things to clutter our minds and the way we live. We usually have just what we need-

  2. Debra,
    I have always admired ingenuity in people who move or pare down to live with less. It is often in letting go that we truly gain. How kind of you to pass it forward.
    Have a golden friday.

  3. She looks FAb! Love the haircut.

    And that painting on the wall in the second photo is amazing.

    Have a great Weekend!

  4. M-
    indeed she is fab.
    wish you were here to join us, do you knit or what is your craft?

  5. This is a lovely post. I could use a lesson on living with less. I love the peaceful feeling I get when I am in a clean spare room. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thanks for introducing us to Sue...and happy birthday to her. She is stunning. And so is her hair!

    I like this quote (I'm sure I read it on a bumper sticker): "Live simply that others might simply live." Not sure who said it, but what a wise person they are.

  7. It's amazing how wonderful I can feel after going through the piles and build up of items. Less clutter equals more peace. I've also been living with less TV and more classical music (as well as the new U2 album!). Nice to hear in the background while I do my daily chores and I think it's good for my children too! Thank you for your lovely post, as usual PVE! Also will have to check out Chicago's Vanille Patisserie - their macaroons look amazing!

  8. Penny-
    We could all use a lesson on editing. I think you can keep what you love, perhaps live with the less and rotate. There is something so gratifying about keeping things to use seasonally. They feel like old friends. A box, or storage shelf can remedy this for you.
    Love your work and your passion for creating an artful and comfy home.

    Fantastic quote, I am saving this one!

    Sue does not have a tv.
    Silence is golden, or your favorite music playing can change chaos suddenly to calm. Happy friday.
    Hope that baby nephew is growing nicely.

  9. Happy Birthday Sue! I'm so happy to have met you. You are indeed an inspiration to me, an amazing artist and a wonderful friend. Love our weekly knitting group. May this be a super creative year.

    I've learned to keep better track of how I spend and to enjoy my time at home more. Home movies, "Experimental dinners", more chat. It's all good.

  10. I liked hearing how your friendship started.

    I enjoyed visiting her home and sharing in the celebration of her birthday. You know how much I love a birthday party and a yummy cake!! lol...

    I'm just stopping in to say... Have a GOLDEN weekend my friend!! xoxo

  11. I love this post, so true. it is the small things in life that make it all worth while isn't it?!
    Happy weekend to you:)

  12. Your friend is a girl of my heart with that colored strip in her fabulous hair!! (I have purple in mine) Thanks for a lovely post, glad I visited today... PS the cake looks very delicious!! You are a great friend.

  13. More time with my family and to recognize the "little" things are what matter.

  14. Oh that cakes looks so yummy and Sue looks adorable. Totally chic and just exudes a quality that she is great friend. What a great group of ladies you surround yourself with. I wish I knew how to knit!

    Enjoy your weekend.

  15. In hopes of being homeowners, we are trying to cut the budget in half and give up silly, un-necessary things. We gave up all the television,eating out, and spending money to "make us happy" sort of things.

    Never have I felt so blessed and appreciate of what we do have! My husband and I now spend quality time together, talking about what is important, and just being rather than doing. It is amazing!

    Peaceful Friday everyone and a fab weekend to boot!

  16. I am always going through items in my home and passing them on to others. As we age, the things we thought we couldn't live without no longer have the same appeal to us. Less becomes more and memories replace items.


  17. Beautiful blog. Beautiful post. I love the way you've highlighted your friend and her home. It looks like a perfect place to celebrate.

    Living with less...but drawing it all...has given me so much. By taking the time to study every detail of little things: like a watch or a potted plant: and draw it, I am able to appreciate it in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

    Thank you for this centering message.

  18. Happy Birthday Sue! Great lesson on living with less, Less is more! Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment. it's been rough around here lately.

    lovely site that you have!!


  20. I am so touched to be featured in a post by Patricia! Thanks to all for your lovely comments about my home and my hair!!

    I had a lovely birthday knitting party and the cake was so yummy -wish you all could have had a taste!

    Patricia-much thanks and love!


  21. Beautiful post....really!

    Living with less opens your eyes for more. More of the beauty that surrounds us every single day, minute, every second, every breath. We do not need to think in terms of less or more - there is always enough -, we just need to shift / change our perspective of what we really need.

  22. Friends are such a treasure and you are so blessed to have one in Sue. What a lovely cake, I am sure it tasted as good as it looks!

    I realized after living in "limbo" for almost a year with all of my belongings except for what was in a suitcase and my bicycle in storage, all I needed was family. All of the other "things" are nice but not necessary.

    Blessings Patricia. have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Special times with Family and friends, that is what it is all about. Being there for each other. I like Open Stucio because I can create amongst other artists who may all have a different style, however the synergy and companionship brings us all together.

  24. PS I will have another painting for Next Friday's Giveaway! When I post (tommorrow) it come & make comments!

  25. i wish a cool chick like u would adopt ME at the bus stop and have me over for cake and needlework parties! some girls have all the luck...

  26. So nice and thoughtful! She is lucky to have a neighbor like you!

  27. I need to live with less. I've starting gathering up "stuff" that I know can be of better use to to a shelter, towels and blankies to the dog pound...the older I get, the less "stuff" means to me, and the more I want to cherish the things that have a story.

    Happy wishes to Sue...I'm sorry I couldn't join her for a toast...and a piece of that cake! :-)
