
Thursday, September 04, 2008

hands were made for drawing

In a few short weeks, I shall be teaching a drawing class to middle school students.  Hands were made for drawing and I love drawing more than anything.  So often, the standard reply is, "Oh, I can't draw" and my reply is, "Let me teach you."  Inspiring one to draw is like blowing a bubble for me.  Students at any age appreciate being inspired and given motivation and encouragement to draw hands, feet and more.


  1. I agree. Anyone can learn to be creative and get their thoughts down. I'm no PVE but after art class in college I can do a little bit where before that I could only draw sick figures. It's all in the mind and what the heart wants to overcome. You have a special gift Patricia.

  2. I wish I was there to take your class. (but i don't wish to be in middle school again!). Good luck with it.

  3. Oh, Im so dying to take an art class. There are so many good options here but never the time. Those are very luck middle school students!

  4. kwana,
    why not take a class with me to draw, and you can teach me to knit socks!

    will send you a class by do at your own leisure! I know middle school does harken thoughts of pimples, bonnie bell lip gloss and leg warmers. my love for art and ballet helped me to glide through that awkward time with grace.

  5. I would love to learn to draw. I'm very much the stick figure artist. Have fun with your class - those kids are lucky to have such an instructor!

  6. What a beautiful blog you have. And a boatload of talent to boot!

    Will bookmark you for sure, and keep you in mind for future design work.

    Good luck with the middle school students!

  7. Oh, I love to look at people's hands. They are so expressive to me. Have you ever noticed Vanessa Redgrave's hands? So wonderful!

    I wish I were closer and good enroll in your drawing class!

  8. Who was the famous portraitist who charged more for hands since they were so difficult for him to draw?

    Lucky kids!

  9. it would be fun to take your class

  10. I wish I'd had an art teacher like you in school.

  11. I should sign up for your class... was not a fan of life drawing... as a result... hands, faces, feet... bodies period... are not my strong point... ugh... I think you've inspired me to take a life drawing class... hmmmm... wonder if I could find one online?

  12. fifi-

    took a life drawing class last year. it was wonderful-
    absolutely take one, I know you will love it!


  13. How fun! In our little willage?

    I was far more artistic in my younger school years and it manifests itself usually in some crafty way around my house now. Good for you!

  14. I remember having to draw 100 hands and 100 feet one semester in College in my freshman year. It was a great exersize! Have fun with those kids!

  15. I hold my high school art teacher in my heart. Miss A. Love her! You are going to be so inspirational:)

  16. Love this sketch. It would be such fun to take your class :)

  17. Man, I wish I could draw. I can write; are these functions on different sides of the brain?
