
Friday, September 12, 2008


Illustration - pve design, the makings of Chantilly cream
Imagine visiting a place known for it's whipped cream.  We visited "Chateau de Chantilly" and toured the Chateau and dined on the property.  

Our special dessert was fresh berries topped with Creme de Chantilly.  Freshly whipped for all of us to see, the chilled stainless bowl, the large whisk, fresh cream, a bit of confectioner sugar and vanilla. 

photo - "open wide " - enjoying the chantilly tasting from the bowl
Voila, lovely cream, a perfect topping to fresh fruit for a wonderful finish to any meal in any chateau or home.  Next time you are in Paris, plan a trip to Chantilly for a taste of 
fresh whipped cream, or perhaps a little Chantilly lace.


  1. LOVE the sketches! You could design dishware with those!

  2. marnie -
    yes, fresh cream is so yummy.
    thanks for your kind comments as always.

    heidi -
    love to design dishware or a cookbook would be fun.
    so many things to design, so little time!

  3. wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog - that was such a treat! and then i see your sketch this morning, and me being a bit of a foodie - i absolutely adore it! i've loved so many of your illustrations over the past few months - and yes i 2nd the opinion that you could design a gorgeous line of dishware with this :)

  4. Love the sketches and the photos. It sound de-lish. I love the idea of and illustrated cookbook. Hmm.... Maybe a travel one?

  5. Wow... talk about escapism... I love this post! Lovely sketches.

  6. enc-
    whisk me away!
    thanks for whisking my way -

  7. Well of course, I am now craving whipped cream and berries....the simplest things are always the most wonderful!

  8. Looks and sounds delish . . . You've inspired in me a craving for tea at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens, although I couldn't be farther away . . .

  9. Oh yes, Patricia you have posted a whisk!! How funny!

  10. This is my first time visiting and I'm glad I visted on the day of your cream illustration! I love spending time in the kitchen and this one made me all happy and smiles!
    Where do you sell your work?

  11. I think if I partook I would have a "Chantilly Face."

    Har har...couldn't help myself. Fresh whipped cream is always key to serving up great dessert. Mmm.

  12. Oh, I LOVE that sketch!!! I can just picture myself whipping up some yummy creamy delight! I was enrolled in Kendall College for a while working on my baking & pastry certificate and always had dreams of living in France for a year, perfecting my art. Alas, we moved from the area and I wasn't able to finish...but I can make a mean danish! Thank you for that bit of brightness today (it's raining in IL!!!).

  13. I'd travel anywhere for good whipped cream.

    Nuff said!

  14. Oh goodness - that would be a definite stop I would want to make. The photos of the buildings almost look unreal - they are so perfect!

  15. um...YUM! And I love the "Making of Chantilly cream" illustration. LOVE it.

  16. Thank you! You won the necklace from the Nie Auction being held a Today's Creative Blog. Please send payment via paypal to please send me a confirmation of payment.

  17. Oh dear, chantilly. I could eat it by the spoonful till there's no more. A dairy seller in my neighborhood hand makes his own... Must resist temptation.

  18. Oh shoot, why did I have to read this delicious post at 10pm?!? I can taste that whipped creme!!!
