
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

traveling sketch book

A traveling sketch book comes with me on all my travels.  While we were in Strasbourg, France I enjoyed sketching this scene while we were on a boat on the canal.  

One of the things that I loved about Strasbourg were the roof tops.  My sketch books tell a picture story.  I use them as a starting point for my artwork.  My small bag  contains;
1 legendary Moleskine watercolour notebook
1 small traveling Windsor & Newton watercolour paint box
Pencils & Micron Pens
1 container for holding water w/lid.
My traveling sketchbook helps me to "look" and to really appreciate the sights around me and the ability to take time and sketch what I see.  Simply sketching with a black micron in a black bound mole skin sketch book takes me traveling - even when the trip is over and I am back home.  Do you travel with a journal or a sketchbook?  Try it and you will be amazed at how much joy it will bring you.  Besides, I always meet people who tell me "Oh, I can't even draw a stick figure" - and I reply, "Well, I am so glad that I inspired you to start today!"  I always tell my children or students that I teach art to, "getting started is half the battle, so start now!"


  1. Patricia, you've inspired me! My daughter loves to sketch....I'm going to run out and get her the items you mentioned and put them away for Christmas. She will love it!

  2. This is such a great idea to do and look back and see your travels from your own perspective -rather than through postcards or even photos. I always have high aspirations but never follow through with this - like you said, you just have to go for it!

  3. Such and inspirational post. I adore that sketch! I often travel with a little notebook to write down ideas as they come to me. You've inspired me to pick up a new sketchbook though. I'm gong to pick up one for the DD also!

  4. Ooo-la-la! Love your sketches!


  5. I am in Malibu - up in the scary post fire mountains yet there is such beauty here.... think it is time to close the computer and start sketching - thanks for the inspiration.

  6. I do the same. I never forget the sketch as far as documenting my trip via little sketches,, you are far better at that than i am. But what i do, i try to finish up sketches from previous trips....I use my trips to complete work started a while back.

  7. You've inspired me too! Next time I travel, I'm going to do just that!

  8. I have never carried a journal and in hindsight wish I had. I love your sketches from France - so pretty!

  9. I always have a notebook with me, but make my sketches with words!

  10. Question - do you sell some of these awesome sketches - OR would you?? I'm in love with the first one!!! I think I might need it!!

  11. kim-
    yes, I can sell these and do!

  12. I'm loving your sketches here. Tres Chic!

    My husband has a ton of moleskins in all sizes. He got me one as a gift last year and I have really liked it a lot.

  13. Oh those rooftops. Those were the first things I noticed in that sketch! They are wonderful.

    I always bring a little notebook with me on (our more significant) travels to write down the remembrances of the day so I don't forget a thing.

  14. How lovely that you take along a sketch book and tools... I should try it one of these days... my camera is how I capture my future paintings... I think your way is divine like these sketches!

  15. i have loads of old travel journals. love sketching or even just scribbling local color palettes. i don't seem to do this with toddler in tow now. i should! her sketches would be a wonderful memory rather than all the photos i take that never seem to make it off my digital camera.

  16. Your sketches are great- very whimsical. My dad is a watercolor artist {just a hobby}. He loves Windsor & Newton watercolour paints. I am a fan of the Moleskine journals/ sketch books. They are perfect.

    I have been to France only once but I very much enjoyed my time there. I came home with more photographs than sketches, though. Sometimes I find it difficult to sit and sketch when I have more places to explore!!

  17. I think that sketch of the bridge is my favorite yet of yours. Until tomorrow, when I'll see another beauty, and it will become my favorite. The same will happen the day after that. And the day after that.

  18. these are so fab, patricia--i hope you will put together a travel notebook and illustrate it with all these beautiful drawings!
