
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

circle of love

August Family Circle - Connie's favorites on page 28

Family love is unconditional along with a circle of wonderful friends who mention you in the August 2008 of Family Circle.  For a buck ninety-nine, I encourage each of you to get your own copy or subscription.  I posted the illustrations awhile ago that I had done for Connie Dirvin of interiors of her fun home.  Take a look on page 24, at her "Fun House" and be inspired to add a little fun to your home.

I have to admit, I was in earnest hopes that my illustrations would make the cut, but I am so thrilled that pve design was included in, "A few of Connie's favorite things" on page 28.  Connie has a fantastic site too which is a great online home design shopping guide - blink decor.  Connie along with Anne Carr partner to edit the market and introduce strategies for keeping decor fun.

Connie and I worked together years ago and remained in contact with the annual Holiday Card. Connie would call for a variety of artworks that she would ask me to do - such as, a personalized illustration for her father's birthday invitation, place-cards for an at home dinner party with clever quips, and an illustration of her interiors, an illustration of her former Connecticut residence.  I feel so included, like having my very own "Circle of Love."  Connie can count on me, in the blink of an eye, I would illustrate anything for her, even her dog, Chloe!   


  1. Congratulations! You deserve it! You have some talented friends too, Blink Decor is one of my faves! Glad to have you back home!

  2. hazel -
    gee thanks!
    did you get the house? inquiring minds want to know! yes it is good to be back, now only if I could make sense of what to do first!

  3. Patricia, this is great!!!! I am beyond excited for you. You work should be seen and enjoyed by all:)

    Thanks for the link to, I am bookmarking it now!

  4. melissa,
    yes, indeed is truly a blessing to be seen!

  5. Congratulations! So well deserved. You know you're on my fave list and in my circle.

  6. Congrats on the mention in FC, Patricia! Glad you are home safe and hope you have a fantastic week!

  7. Congrats! You deserve the acolades. BTW- Thanks for the brit pics :)

  8. Very glad you got the mention!! You are one of the best!

  9. Congratulations Patricia! How great is that?

    Also, thanks for the visit!

  10. Thats a great mention!

    Im not sure how your illustrations didn't make the photos section since Im sure they are stunning (and also accessible works of art which is something I think Family Circle would really appreciate) but the site mention is still pretty sweet.

  11. mrs. limestone-
    aha - perhaps a story family circle needs to do in a future issue!

  12. Congratulations! That is neat! Thanks for the links.

  13. her home is absolutely gorgeous...Congrats on the mention!

  14. Many congrats to you!! That is wonderful..I'm on to check out the new blog...looks like it will be fabulous!

  15. well done you. wonderful bit of recognition. congrats. and welcome home from you grand paris visit. yes, a private yoga cottage would be the perfect fix for post-profiterole feasts. glad you enjoyed.

  16. Patricia, that's so great! I'm not at all surprised you made the list, you are one talented ar-teest.

  17. A very nice, and well-deserved bit of recognition for you. Congratulations!

  18. I tried to find more pics on Blink of her work after posting that one of her living room on my site that I loved, but could not! Any suggestions? Congrats on your publicity! :)

  19. Congratulations! That's great news.

  20. That's great! Also thanks for the FAB comment. I must add your stylishness to my blogroll :)

  21. A belated thanks to YOU for the kind words! Happy summer!
