
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

what do you do?

The world would be so much nicer if we wore shirts with words explaining what we do! 

I found this great t-shirt with the above image over here at Veer. What would your shirt say?
My printer has a great sense of humor, and he said his would say, I run around in circles, chasing my tail.  
So tell me, what would your shirt say?  Leave a comment, I know you want to.


  1. I think I need to get this for my son!

    Mine would say, "I hold meetings all day" but really I'd like it to say, "I day dream all day" yes, during the meetings!

  2. tara,
    aw, I thought it would say;
    I dream of days missed on a hammock, while I am in meetings.
    I remember those meetings, (I would draw pictures all day!)

  3. I stare at this box & click this clicker all day.

  4. I love this Patricia! I would love one that says "I Write All Day." A more true one would say "I drive all day."

    These are so much fun. Thanks.

  5. "I ride bikes that go nowhere, in the dark, surrounded by sweaty people I don't know."

    Too long for a t-shirt, but that's what mine would say. :)

  6. Mine would say "I don't wear tshirts with words on the chest - they make me look like one giant boob!" hehee

  7. Haha...mine would say I draw on the computer all day (not as exciting as it sounds). Great shirt!

  8. "Bask"

    But I would probably wind up with: "...oh, you mean for a living?"

  9. easy and elegant,
    you are too funny. love that, bask!
    and I thought it would say, I make it all look easy and elegant.

  10. "I procrastinate all day long." So sad, but so true!

  11. I love this! Mine would be like Diana's. "I draw on the computer all day" with "it's not as exciting as it sounds" small underneath.

  12. 'i multi-task all day' or more poetically, 'i balance a teeny universe all day'. mrs. french took my other option...

  13. Mine would say " I watch too much TV"

  14. I'm afraid mine might say "I don't know what I do all day."

  15. Mine would say "I juggle a never-ending to-do list all day and at the end feel like I got nothing accomplished". But only on certain days. After all, I can't wear the same shirt every day.... it wouldn't match my parade of shoes...

  16. "what don't I do all day long?" that would have to be mine... too many things to do in a day and not enough time to stick to just one.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think about too many things at once. All day.

  19. WOW! Patricia my best friend Evie told me your blog was amazing. Boy was she right! Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. Mine would say, "I spend all day wishing I was doing something else!"
    Sad but true...

  21. Mine would say, "I dream all day."

  22. I read this post this morning and couldn't think of a thing my shirt would say - here I am 12 hours later and still nothing so maybe mine should be "I'm confused" or "Don't look at me - I have no idea" Cute post!

  23. Busy with the flurry of end of year activities and I finally had a moment to check in and see all of these fun comments. Looks like many of us would need more than just one shirt!
    Busy lives right!
    thanks for your input!

  24. Mine would say "Shops online all day". Seriously, I do.

  25. Mine would say:
    "On call all day."

    On the back it would say:
    "AKA Mom"
