
Thursday, May 22, 2008

catch of the day

Here is my catch of the day, "Annechovie!"  
Fresh faced beauty, blessed with incredible artistry and a graceful way with words.
Anne has a penchant for creating and inspiring an artful life.  Sound familiar?

Happiness radiates from Anne's work.  Having the pleasure of getting to know Anne is like adding sunshine to my day.  She has been a great friend to talk shop with about paint, and life and all that it entails.  

If you have a minute, here is one of Anne's chairs, have a seat!  Anne has a penchant for chairs.
Anne has a way of making things groovy and fresh.

Matisse also had a thing for chairs.  Anne adores Matisse and this is one of his paintings that

 has inspired Anne.  Anne adores the way Matisse used color.

The photo above is one of Anne next to this urn.  I think this color is so Anne.

Anne also loves to paint urns.
Fresh, cheery and exquisitely stunning!

   Anne was kind enough to say yes to send me some of her work for our annual Holiday school boutique and I sent her back a box of goodies to thank her, and this was my "cheeky" illustrated tin of annechovie's card that I enclosed.  If I knew back then, I would have sent some pumpkin seeds, some headbands, and some fresh coffee beans because Anne loves to have those while she works from seven to eleven.
Picture her at her desk, sporting flip flops, chic headband or pony tail, listening to words or music and painting fresh work!  
I hope you will get to know Anne if you do not already. 
As artists, we are all in this great big pond, swimming upstream together and since much of what we do is alone and isolated, it is always good to know that you have someone who adores you and thinks you are one great catch!  Extra annechovie's for me, please.
Order some Anne's work to inspire you!  Her work may even hang next to Matisse!
Word has it that he adored everything with "anchovy" - having painted on the Riviera it is only natural along with rose wine.


  1. Anne's work is beautiful. I often go to her blog for a smile.

  2. kwana,
    yes, Anne's work is like sunshine!
    she makes me smile too!

  3. Aw, you are so sweet, Patricia! You are making me blush. Thank you!

  4. Anne-
    Humans are the only creatures who have the gift to blush! Can you imagine a blushing cat, or dog or annechovie!
    Glad I made you blush!

  5. Hers is one of the blogs I check regularly :-) I enjoyed your little biography! And ending with rose wine -my favorite :-)

  6. Thanks for the lovely introduction to Anne! I will be headed over there right after this.

  7. She is a treat. How right you are to feature her.

  8. i love her chair. the seafoam with the black and white is one of my favorite color combos!~ thanks for the intro...

  9. Oooh, I'm glad you introduced me to her work. So wonderful, so happy, so chic.

  10. Beautiful womanan beautiful work!!!!

  11. Anne's work is lively...I am a huge fan of color and what it brings to the senses. I'll be checking out her work right away...thanks!

  12. It must be Matisse Day! I guess we artists think alike... my posting is an ode to Matisse! Love Anne's work and yours!

  13. I have admired her work for so long. How lucky the two of you are to be friends. This post is beautiful. I believe I have said it before, "you have such a kind heart."

  14. Anne is always one of my favorites!

  15. I love her work too.

    I love this...two great artists supporting each other (I don't often see!)...fantastic : )


  16. The two of you are both so adorable and talented - the "artists of the design blogosphere" - without a doubt. There's no jealousy here- only support and encouragement.

    Great post PVE! and congratulations Annechovie!


  17. joni-
    just the other day, I wondered who had left my very first comment and it was anne! only good things from "postivity!" thanks for your positive comment!

  18. Annes yellow chinese vase is beautiful!

  19. I love Ane's work (and yours of course!) You are both so very telented. I was scrolling through your blog today sseing what I have missed lately and the Matisse painting caught my eye. I have a very good "forgery" of that painting originally done for a model home. It was taken out eventually and I grabbed it for free. It is a fun thing to have had for my kids rooms, until they revolted and wanted their own art, and now resides in our guest room. My kids will never forget that they had a "Matisse" growing up. Haha!

  20. Thank you to everyone for all of your kind words and support!

  21. she's one of my favorites...and you are too! fun to see you both in one post. :-)

  22. What a great post! You both do great work!

  23. I have a chair thing going on myself. I love Anne's chairs, but my favorite are Beatrix Potter's pencil drawings of her dining room chairs. Do you have some interior renderings? I would love to see them.
    All the Best,
    Dovecote Decor
