
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

cozy and plush

The word cozy conjures up images of an overstuffed chair, a hug from a loved one, the warmth from a blanket and a hand written note in your mail box.   This chair was painted by artist Kimberly Applegate.  Her name is even cozy and plush.  Her work has a true "joie de vivre!"
Do you have a "plushy" spot in your home, a comfy chair or something that feels luxurious?
Nothing holds the key to my heart like a handwritten note, a card or box full of earthly delights. I love to curl up on my plush velvet sofa and hand write notes - to stay in touch or to send a thank-you note.  I am pondering a wall of framed notes, stamps and all that I have saved.
Call me sentimental.
I have a weakness for anything green, anything paper, anything plush and of course anything that is made by hand by another artist. We need to support one another, right!
I found this in my quest to live a plush life.
Oh, did I mention, fabric, thread, glue, scissors are also included in my weakness area.
I have such incredibly fond memories of learning to make my first dress in third grade and sewing with my Aunt Mary.  I still have my sewing machine.
Go on, live a plush life. You owe it to yourself or to someone special.
My daughter wants to use it as an ottoman for her dolls.  What a cozy and plush idea!
Here it is for those of you who adore robin's egg blue, nests, eggs, and creating an artful life.


  1. I love the painting of the chair. I would love to have a chair that is that comfy :)

  2. Im dying to learn how to sew but Im not sure if I can teach myself or not. And more importantly, is it a pratical use of my time?

    Do you use sew often? Do you find it a useful skill?

  3. mrs.limestone,
    yes, learn to sew! it is a wonderful use of time and you will be amazed at what you can make. the key is to have an iron nearby to press as you go.
    many friends borrow my machine!
    it's good to keep friends in "stitches!"

  4. We call our pajamas "comfies and cozies" As in: "go put on your comfies and cozys!" We can't wait to put them on at the end of the day and relax. I love your idea of hanging your notecards and other sentimental items...sounds beautiful!

  5. My grandmother has always made us cloths and now things for our home. I have always wanted her to teach me her skills, but we've never taken time to do so. I must make this happen.

    I love that you want to put all of your notes and such on your wall. That's such a sweet idea:)

  6. My 3rd grade teacher taught us all to sew - girls and boys. it's a useful skill! I save myself trips to the dry cleaners when I need to mend something or put a button back on!
    What a great idea to put saved letters and envelopes on the wall rather than just in a box somewhere! I admit I save a lot of that stuff too!

  7. Apple green by Applegate. V. cozy.

  8. Wonderful painting!! I find my bed and pj's cozy.

  9. Lovely painting. Cozy is a perfect way to describe it. Love cozy.

  10. Little-byrd,
    why yes, of course, comfy cozy are pj's - and fond memories of mine with the feet in them as a child!
    Do you sew pajamas? I just love your pillows and headbands!

  11. Kimberly's work is just beautiful and she is such a kind person!

  12. Anne,
    Can you feel the "blog love" is what Kimberly felt from this post today! You my dear are a love to comment.
    talk soon ~

  13. This post has my heart. I love all things plush, blue and green. My favorite robe is robin's egg blue with white polka dots. It's the softest fabric I've ever put on my body. Anytime the offspring see me in it, they know I am on a snuggle and relaxation mission.

    Being able to sew is such a gift. Especially one to share with a child. How great you have that memory. Like you, I also treasure writing and receiving handwritten notes. They are such a personal expression of warmth + love.

  14. Sew inspired! I'm taking sewing lessons this summer. I foolishly wasn't that interested in learning to sew when my grandmother could have taught me. NOW I want to learn.

  15. I love this cozy, plush post lovely.

  16. The ottoman boxes are fabulous..... how great.. thanks for sharing!
