
Saturday, April 19, 2008

matzoh memories

As a child, like most children, memories of playing at friends homes was like this;

1.   I was always aware of what was different.
2.   I would always tell my Mom what we needed if we did not have it.  ie; the Christmas tree with  all white birds and gold ribbons, white lights.  (We had an array of ornaments)
3.   Can you make me what Mrs. _____ made for dinner?
4.   Can you buy me this_*______.
5.   Can we have wallpaper?

One afternoon at my friends home we ate "Matzoh."  I always like to try different things.  Her Mom made us Matzoh Ball Soup and when I got home, I told my Mom that she needed to learn how to make that.  She did.   I was fascinated to learn about other religions, cultures and their traditions.  

It's that time.  Passover.  So, save me some Matzoh and Matzoh Ball Soup for this catholic  gal.
That's  my matzoh memory. 
What are some of your earliest memories from childhood?


  1. When I was 4 years old we spent a summer in Florida. I vividly remember walking through an orange grove with my parnets with the strong smell of oranges in the air, over-ripe oranges laying all on the ground with lots of wasps and bees feasting on them and picking a basket full of oranges and eating them. I can still taste and smell those oranges!

  2. Too many memories to count. But I do have a fond memories of having a passover meal with friends from my building one year complete with Matzoh Ball Soup. It was del-lish.

  3. as a matter of fact, matzoh ball soup is one of my first food memories. my mother is actually making it right now for our seder this evening. matzoh balls are indeed one of the best food on earth and while mine do not hold a candle to my mother's, hers don't hold a candle to my grandmother's. what a wonderful post! and what a great mom you have....

  4. Interesting that our suburban neighborhood was comprised of more Jewish families than Catholic or other Christian. (Of course, in those days, one Catholic family equalled 2-3 Jewish families) I remember a new lunching experience at my friend Shelley's house - cream cheese and black olives on white bread. Exotique to me!

  5. I love matzoh. I've eaten some good Passover food in my time.

  6. Love reflecting on is so true, we always seem as children to want other things, but when we grow up...we pine for those memroies in our own homes!! Great post!

    kari & kijsa

  7. I just made matzoh ball soup for 18. If I have left over I will bring you some. I promised to bring some matzoh brie to knitting club. It is the kids version. Sweet and yummy!!! I had the same experience with my Italian friends whenever I ate their (as they call it) gravy. My mom made it for us too!!! I now make it all the time and it is my favorite meal.

  8. I LOVE Egg & Onion Matzos. I cant find them any more. We Always had them this time of year!! Laurie

  9. I used to teach at a lovely Jewish school This is where I had my first luscious bowl of what is now my favorite soup. There is a place in Portland that has perfected it! Wow, now I think I really need a bowl!
