The first few brushstrokes to the blank canvas ultimately have a purpose from start to finish. Finding the light, the shadow and suddenly realizing the shape and mastering it all requires chance. The chance for uncertainty is the prerequisite of succeeding. Mastering this lemon required seeing the ending, feeling the shape, seeing the light and having the ability to take a chance and purely paint what I saw that day, in my head. Fascinated to master the lemon with paint and canvas and to see what I saw in my head was as easy as mastering a pitcher of lemonade. Would you care for a tall glass of master lemonade or perhaps a master painting class?
Lovely painting. Whenever I take a painting class, I am always struck by how challenging it is to create a painting...not the technical challenge of drawing, but the challenge of capturing the correct values, tones, colors. It always strikes me as being very much like putting together a puzzle. There is a point when I sometimes want to just start over, because it looks like a mess, but then slowly but surely my vision starts to emerge. Hmmm....I am feeling the pull towards taking another painting class!
things that inspire,
yes, it is exactly as you stated, but once you have mastered the technique to support your skill of painting, then the vision is realized.
love to see what you paint!
I don't know if I should say it's funny or frustrating, but as a person who paints for a living as a muralist/faux finisher, I have the hardest time painting a piece on canvas. It's like my artistic ability doesnt go there.
I love this piece:)
I love this painting and the idea of mastering what you see in your head and seeing the ending at the beginning. As a writer it's what I try and do every day. As an artist you have mastered this, Patricia.
Beautiful job!!
kari & kijsa
Love the Lemon!!!
Well, we now know that when life hands you a lemon, you will make it lovely! I love the depth and tone in this.
You need a delicious lemon tart to go along with that lovely painting - ever hear of Patricia Wells - restaurant reviewer for International Herald Tribune - she has written a number of cookbooks too - one called, At Home in Provence, has the most AMAZING recipe called Lemon Lover's tart- mmm good - perfect for spring - yellow like the sunshine - I have made it so often the book opens to the page.
I am dying. This is so beautiful and you are so talented. I feel like I am beginning to sound like a broken record.
This is amazing, surely done by a Master-YOU! What talent, I am in awe!
I could never do anything other than cartoons, I'm in awe.
I'd love to take a painting glass, and learn some of the techniques my college classes didn't show me. This is a great painting.
Oh i love it!
This painting has such a wonderful combination of colors. I may just have to file it away to remember for a future design project. Alos just dropping by to say "HI"!
love the depth and planes of color. very cezanne and very simple. its perfect. can't paint to save my life but did study art history in graduate school. you might see juan sanchez cotan -- a favorite with fruits and veggies.
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