
Thursday, April 24, 2008

for the birds

Spring is for the birds.  I am inspired to post about these lovely birds.  I love hearing them sing and chirp early in the morning.  

These turtle-doves flew into our home and are quite in love with the spot by the window.  They were a gift and made by hand - you can have your own birds, "Vrooman Woodcarvings" and wildlife gallery in Downtown Historic Truckee, 530-587-8104.  (no web site) William Vrooman carves these beauties.

Love this runner for a hall-way, I like the graphic design and the colors, oh and the birds.
Found at West Elm.  Although I have never ordered anything, I do like the clean and simple 
design aesthetic.

I am not quite sure when my love for the birds began.  Could it have been the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds" or that when I was a young gal my sisters called me "Bird-legs?"  Above these two golden doves could easily fly anywhere into my nest.  I found them at Oly Studio.  

Bird-in-the-hand posted this sweet bowl from Whitney Smith.  I would imagine these birds-in-my home and the three birds would symbolize my three children.  
Visit this little-byrd to take a peak at her sweet things, she makes such unique pillows and other items while raising a wee little one all from her nest.
After all "chicks of a blog-feather must stick together!  Do you have a penchant for the birds or the bees?


  1. i've had a 'bird-thing' too, esp. like the simply designed works you've found. graceful and sweet. see for more delightful doves.

    i might like those monkeys below even better! what a fun room.

  2. Love your sweet birds....I wish the turtle doves would land in my window! Where did you get them? I love them so much.

  3. I love all those, too. I realized after reading this, and looking around my place, that I have begun a bird collection. A small one, but a collection nevertheless.

  4. tyler,
    thanks, i will look at those doves!

    look, i added where you can find the turtle-doves.

    show me your birds. must be lovely.

  5. Hi! I just posted last night and half-way thru the post mentioned my love of birds (put a in link to an Emily Dickinson poem) What a lovely find to see your post on birds this morning!

  6. Oh what a sweet post - I have to say that one of the best things about living in rural CT is hearing all sorts of birds sing all day - it truly is very calming and peaceful and it puts a smile on my face everytime I see them play, sing and hop from one branch to another!

  7. I'm listening to a robin sing his morning song right now outside the window. Lovely sound and lovely post. Thanks for such a sweet mention!

  8. haha, I was called 'bird-legs' too -also 'chicken legs'. Funny - kids aren't always that creative with name-calling!

  9. Charmed, I'm sure. Those birds in the window make me smile.

  10. Love the birds you posted, always a treat to find more lovely birdie things out there to add to my real and virtual collections.

    And thanks for the link, I'm honored!

  11. LOVE the birds - also added you to my blog love list - hope you don't mind!

  12. Very nice post! I love the birds you found.
    I wrote a post about birds too, then another one, and since then I have found so many cool bird things that I am tempted to do another.

  13. I love your birds. They make me think of love and that anything is possible.

  14. love the rug with birds.I
    have a look to my french art@fashion blog.

  15. these birds are perfect...not too much at all...I've been drawn to that Whitney Smith bowl too for quite some time. Excellent taste!

  16. I love birds too, but now they kind of scare me since they were dinosaurs once! Do ever think of that? Anyway, those brass birds from Oly - I just ordered those for a client's shelves. They are so great - they are huge in real life!

    And I love that rug - it reminds me of your cute calling card!
