
Thursday, April 10, 2008

boys toys

Why is it that traditionally, boys have all the biggest and best toys.  Then when they grow up, the toys just keep on getting bigger and better.  Lately, I have been getting quite a few commissions for custom artwork for boys and their toys.  Some men have bikes, boats, cars, thrill sleds and even planes to play with.  What a unique gift of art.  Perhaps someone you know and love, the sort of person that has everything, needs a special work of art.  Girls are allowed to have fun too so please share your favorite toy with me. 
For me,  my paint box still rules number one.  Of course, I still like making sand castles at the beach too.


  1. Lovely, but isn't it a little unfair that boys always have such grand toys. I think we girls should treat ourselves a little better. Off to Cartier with us!

  2. A girl after my own heart, I mean toys--- right behind you!

  3. This is so true! Buses and vespas abound.

  4. I guess my 'toy' would have to be my dvd player! It gets the most use anyways and is the thing I can't live without! I really love my video ipod though too...hmmm

  5. My husband would like nothing more than to have a warehouse to stash all his toys. Ack! My favorite toy is my Mac, it's not so much a toy as a necessity. :)

  6. My son is into rockets and he's only 2. It doesn't get much bigger than rockets...I think we're in trouble! My favorite toy would be a tie between the sewing machine and camera.

  7. these days, i'll have to agree with mrs french - my mac

  8. Wonderful illustration, Patricia! I love it - so well done.

  9. This is great. I love the perspective.
