
Friday, February 01, 2008

weekend wondering

While waiting at an appointment a new magazine caught my eye - "Wondertime" and it was the article on the front cover that really caught my eye, titled, "Confessions of a Mommy Blogger."   Working from "home alone"- the world of blogging has opened up my window to a wonderful community of other like-minded individuals.  I wonder how many of you confess to blogging as a form of escape from the daily work-a-day world as a Mother, a wife, an artist, a writer, and decorator.  Whatever or where-ever your interest lies, ponder the possibility that someone out there is taking time to wonder a life beyond the daily grind, be the change and comment or join the blogging community.  Wonder woman bids you adieu!

Wonder Time, Mommy Blogger (not me)


  1. What a sweet picture!

    Thanks for your kind words; I'm SO SO glad you enjoyed the e-zine!

  2. And by the way--- email me; I'd love LOVE to have you in the second issue!

  3. design for mankind, thanks so much!
    love to be included in issue no.2!
    will send some hi res images!

  4. I'll admit to being totally stung by the blogging bug. Living a pretty solitary life as a writer, mother and wife, I guess this somehow takes me beyond my small word and out towards endless possibilities.
